30. Six Peas In A Muffin.

Start from the beginning

"Oh," Clyde says, looking back in Carmen's direction. "Looks like the kangaroo and koala already got their freak on."

"Bow Chicka Wow Wow," Carmen says, while fake humping the oven, not getting close enough to burn herself or interfere with the muffins.

"If you both don't stop, I think I'm going to take my chances with the angry fans," Shayne blurts out.

It gets a few stares, before everyone else but him starts laughing.

"Noted," Carmen says, before slowly backing away from the oven, leaning over the island, and planting a tiny kiss on the top of Shayne's head. "Regardless, we're glad we get to meet the koala. Oli hasn't really been in a bringing around people he's interested mood. He hasn't been in much of a seeing his friend's mood either."

Oliver sighs, "You're never going to let me get over this are you?"

Carmen shrugs, going back to her muffins. "Probably about as much as your fans are probably going to let you forget about the reason you're hiding in my apartment with a guy who just outed you to the world."

Oliver throws up an exaggerated middle finger, which gets a chuckle out of Clive and a confused bark out of Benji, who makes his way over to Oliver for pets. The golden retriever stares at him for a moment, seemingly dead serious, before lying down on his side; practically demanding pets. As much as Oliver's probably being painted as a monster now, he can never deny belly rubs.

"Who's a good boy?" He asks Benji (who's the best boy out of all of them in the room. Dogs don't get involved in potentially career-ending scandals with Americans. Dogs also don't legitimately act, other than the one in his movie which he's sure could've won an animal Oscar if there was a category for it.)

As Oliver continues to scratch Benji's belly, the room gets a little warmer, a little calmer too. They've decided to avoid TV, all of their phones (aside from Shayne's to text his sister and Max) are in a basket. Oliver's itching to know what's being said and who's saying it. It's a condition of the celebrity, the BCE, and he's sure Penelope has all but spontaneously combusted at this point.

Clive, still chuckling, decides to break the brief silence. "So, Oli, are you going to properly introduce us to your koala friend? We're all dying to know more about this intriguing character."

Oliver glances at Shayne, a fond smile playing on his lips. "Well, everyone, this is Shayne. The koala who basically told me to go shove it up my ass."

Shayne blushes slightly but offers a friendly wave to the group. "That is only slightly true, but it is nice to get to meet you all."

Carmen, wiping her hands on her apron, steps forward. "I couldn't agree more dimples."

That gets a dimple to pop up on Shayne's cheek.

"So," Shayne says, "I hate to ruin the bonding time, but there's also a big elephant in the room, well closet. Funny that it's not me this time."

Carmen and Clive look confused about the last part of Shayne's rambling but Oliver just shrugs (even though he knows perfectly damn well why it's funny).

"I think he deserves a few more rounds of the sharks," Oliver says. "And no muffin."

Carmen nods her head in agreement. "He gets a muffin over Benji's cold dead body."

"Man," Clive groans, finally standing up from the floor. "Why you gotta bring my dog into this?"

Carmen shrugs, offering a wink in apology as she peels open the oven to check the muffins again, and then closes it.

"He can honestly rot in there for all I care," Shayne's voice says.

Oliver's not sure why he's surprised. Maybe it's because Shayne is always the positive, the silver lining of it all. Maybe he feels partly responsible for Ethan even doing this, to begin with. God knows how long he had been doing it, or what else he might know, but he also knows enough. There's still a big question here, they're going to need an answer from him too soon before they can go anywhere else: does ANYONE else know?

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