13. Did You Think We Were Gonna Hug It Out?

Start from the beginning

Shayne realizes things have calmed down significantly in his little spat with his roommate, giving her a break to join in on their round of group therapy.

"You do have my blessing if you want to go down the serious route with that Ethan guy," she says. "He might not be the funniest, but he's a distraction if you're still worried about the nuclear bomb on set."

Shayne imagines Oliver being dropped out of the sky and blowing up his life with that description from his sister. He imagines Ethan as a fallout shelter, but he knows if he does go that route, it won't be fair to keep Ethan in the dark about what's happened between them so far.

"I just didn't sign up for all of this shit," Shayne finally says. "Why can't I be a normal boring guy struggling to make it big in Hollywood and burning up before I get too close?"

Lily pouts. "That sounds a little bit more depressing than this."

Shayne lifts his mug to take another sip. "You also didn't fall out of a plane."

Lily offers a slight nod. "Fair point."

"Very fair point," Max adds.

Shayne would like to thank the academy for another well-deserved win and argument but settles for downing the rest of his coffee instead.

"We've got one more challenge and an elimination to go, and then we're leaving the country to start wrapping this shit up. I think I can avoid my problems until then," Shayne says.

Lily starts to open her mouth, then closes it, then opens it again. "I'm just worried this is all going to boil over. You need to be focused on what's next. You could have a good next career move and a healthy future with a totally normal guy; mom and dad aside. I just want you to be happy."

There that word was again, happy. He doesn't know why it feels so painful, why it cuts so deep (maybe because it's been lost in all of this). It's been swept away and locked in a room while he bottles his feelings and deals with a minefield of problems. He's thankful he's being called out, he's just not sure what the path forward is; or if it's even worth it.

"Maybe I should just go back home, or work here if you have an opening. Seems like my dream is imploding," Shayne says.

"Fuck no," Max and Lily both say simultaneously, both of them turning into each other in a momentary shock before reaching out to grab Shayne's hands.

"We're not letting you give up on your little brother," Lily says.

Max nods in agreement, Shayne finding it odd that once again they're on the same page.

Max squeezes his hand, his voice filled with determination. "You've come too far to let this chaos blow your shit up. We're going to get through this together, and you're going to come out stronger on the other side."

Shayne feels a flicker of hope, the weight on his shoulders lightens just a little, reminding him that he's not alone in this crazy journey.

As they finish their drinks, Max and Lily exchange a knowing glance.

They've been up to something, but neither of them seems too keen on letting him in on it.

"Alright," Max says, dramatically rising from his seat and tossing his empty cup into a trash can, "Time to hit the road, buddy. You've got another day in hell to get through."

Shayne chuckles, appreciating Max's attempt to infuse a sense of humor into his misery. With a final deep breath, he gathers his things and follows Max out of the bustling coffee shop.

The ride to the mansion is another ball of nerves. Shayne's mind races with thoughts of the upcoming group date and the uncertain dynamics he'll have to navigate. Will Oliver even acknowledge him? Will he be able to play it cool, as Max advised? So many questions linger in the air.

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