〚Stan Ending〛

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〚Third Person P.o.v〛

"(Y/n)..." Stan said her name softly.

"Hi, Stan..." (Y/n) said in return. She looked him up and down, he was not in great shape. Not in the slightest. He had a broken arm, and healing bruises and cuts on his face and arms. His black eye seemed to be healing well at least.

"So er... H-How have you been?" (Y/n) asked, fiddling with her hands anxiously.

"Uh, bad," Stan answered honestly. (Y/n) frowned, and looked up at him. He was avoiding her eye contact and seemed to be just as nervous as her.

"How come?"

"Well, uh, If you have time, we can talk about it," Stan said.

"Oh...I told Tweek and Craig I'd meet them at Tweek bro's...but for you, sure. Let's talk," (Y/n) smiled softly at him. Stan was caught off guard by her kind nature. He didn't expect her to welcome him back into her life so soon.

The two of them started to walk out of the school. They walked alongside each other down the pavement toward Stark's Pond.

"Have you had any trouble with schoolwork at home?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"Yeah sort of with Math I guess, but other then that, I'm fine."

"Oh, really? Well maybe I could come by your house to help you out sometime. I got my license recently." (Y/n) said blankly.

Stan looked over at her in surprise, "Really? You'd drive all the way out of town just to help me with Math?"

"Uh, yeah... we...we haven't talked in a while, so really, it's just an excuse to come see you more often." (Y/n) said awkwardly. Although her word choice and tone were very much awkward, the fact that she was willing to talk to him showed how much she's grown. She wasn't avoiding social confrontation anymore. Rather, she was welcoming it.

"(Y/n), I need to talk to you about something serious." Stan started. They stopped in front of Stark's Pond.

"Y-Yeah?" (Y/n) looked up at him, stopping in her tracks.

"I mean this from the bottom of my heart when I say this, but I am so, so, so sorry. What I did to you was completely unforgivable. I should've never made a bet when it came to your feelings. I was a drunk, dumbass who didn't know what he was doing. When you comforted me that night, I was caught completely off guard by you. You were a complete stranger, and you didn't have to help me at all, and despite that, you still opened your arms to me. You're so kind (Y/n), and beyond that, you're way too good for a guy like me... I... I was horrible to you. At first, I tried getting to know you because I wanted to win the bet. But the problem I had was, the more I got to know you, the more and more I became captivated by you, inside and out. You gave me what no one ever gave me before, and that was unconditional support. You stayed by my side and encouraged me to grow and be better as a person. You didn't fix me, all you did was be there and support me while I tried healing. You were exactly what I needed (Y/n). In the end, I fell in love with you. For more than what you did to help me, but also for who you are. When we were apart all I could think about was how much I missed you. I missed your awkward social interactions, your stuttering, your blank faces, the way you rolled your eyes when you were annoyed, your soft voice, your pretty (h/c) hair, and even your (e/c) eyes when they seemed bored out of your mind! I missed all of you (Y/n), because I love you! I love you more than anyone! I'm so sorry that I—"

(Y/n) grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to her height. Without thinking twice, she placed her lips on his. This caught Stan completely off guard, but eventually, he returned the kiss. With his good arm, he pulled (Y/n) against his body. (Y/n) moved her arms around his neck. Their lips moved in sync, first starting at a slow pace. Eventually, the pace quickened, and (Y/n) licked the bottom of his lip. This also caught him off guard, but he wasn't surprised. He was the one who taught her that. He parted his lips and (Y/n) slid her tongue into his mouth. They made out for a few more minutes, before pulling away for air.

"I love you too Stan." She said softly.

Stan smiled, feeling tears appear in his eyes.

"S-So then, you forgive me? W-We can go back to how we used to be?" Stan asked.

"Well, more than that actually... I was hoping we could just go straight into dating..." (Y/n) said shyly, staring off.

Stan blinked in complete surprise. He didn't imagine he would actually have a chance with her with the way things went down. He was at a loss for words. (Y/n) got nervous from his silence, and spoke immediately,

"Well, I know that's not supposed to be the order of things, like it supposed to go 'Confessing, then go on a date, then kiss, then I love you and then become official' but... I don't think I can wait any longer..." (Y/n) admitted looking up at him.

"I-I, uh sorry I'm still just blown away from the fact you forgive me and that you still like—"

"-love you." (Y/n) corrected.

"You love me," Stan confirmed. (Y/n) nodded, an angelic smile spread across her face.

"And now we're dating!" Stan said happily.

"Yay!" (Y/n) said meekly. Stan chuckled at her cuteness and bent down to kiss her forehead.

"I promise you, no lies from here on out. I'll be the best boyfriend I can be to you."

(Y/n) smiled at him, "I trust you."

Stan pecked her lips one more time, before holding her hand with his not-broken hand. They started to walk off together, both smiling. As they walked, (Y/n) kept her eyes plastered on him, watching the smile she grew to adore.

Stan Marsh... do I regret opening my heart to you? No... Not in the slightest.

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