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〚Your P.o.v〛

"(Y/n)! Hey...oh," Kyle seemed happy at first until he realized Stan was walking right next to me. As I grew nearer to him, I realized his happy expression was quickly replaced with a glare. Not directed toward me though.

I turned to Stan who seemed to be just as hostile.

"Hi, Kyle," I greeted, walking toward him.

"Thanks for walking me home Stan," I waved.

"Anytime, just let me know whenever you're by yourself, I'll walk you home," He said, not breaking eye contact with Kyle.

"No thanks, I hate socializing," I said nonchalantly. He immediately looked my way, "(Y/n)!"

"I'm kidding! Kind of, fine, I'll let you know if I want you to walk me home, but you should know I prefer walking by myself," I said in return.

"Well, I'll take it from here Stan, you can leave,"

Stan sent a glare Kyle's way before taking his leave, "I'll see you at school tomorrow (Y/n),"


"Let's go somewhere—"

The front door to my house suddenly opened to my surprise, at the door were my parents. They waved to Kyle and me, gesturing for us to come over. Internally, I PRAYED they wouldn't do anything embarrassing. The last time they met all my friends, they took countless pictures, with FLASH ON! And then they got out these weird little party props, like cowboy hats, birthday hats, giant sunglasses, etc., and made us take pictures. It was beyond embarrassing. The guys still make fun of me for it.

"C'mon, let's go," I grabbed his hand without thinking.

But he tightened it, preventing me from leaving, "Your parents are calling us over though," He said, dragging me toward my own house. Oh, Kyle, you don't understand... I was trying to do you a favor.

"Hello, Mrs. (L/n) and Mr. (L/n)!" He greeted me with a smile, still holding my hand.

Oh god... I'm getting nervous. Why is he still holding it?

My mom snapped a picture out of nowhere of me and Kyle.

"Mom, stop!" I whispered.

She giggled, before speaking, "(Y/n), why don't you and your little boyfriend hang out in the house today? It's really cold," She said.

She was right about that. It had been beginning to snow more and more.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said flatly

She giggled, "Okay, boy SPACE friend~" She teased.

Oh Mom, please, no.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Kyle Broflovski, I live a neighborhood over," He offered his free hand to my parents.

My dad shook his hand, "My, what good manners young man!"

"We're Kelly and Chris! We hope to see you around our little (Y/n) more often, she's quite... special..." My mom paused before the special.

I looked at her in disbelief, "Mom, stop," I said embarrassedly.

"Well, why don't you two come in, and have some coco!" My dad said, stepping aside.

"It's okay, we'll just go to Tweek Bro—" Kyle pulled me into my own house before I could decline.

 "Thank you for having me over," He said considerately.

Fine Kyle, if you want to be that way fine. Take the lead! Go ahead. He entered my house but was not surprised by anything because he had been over before. When my parents weren't home, Dovahkiin would have his friends over.

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