〚5〛Bad Memories

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〚Your P.o.v〛

"(Y/n)! Cmon! We've been friends for a while now! I know you feel the same way as me! Why're you avoiding me?" He asked.

"Because! Carter! I told you, my family moves every year! There's no use in trying! Even if I do like you... there's no point,"

"You're hiding something from me (Y/n), there's something you're not telling me," He pushed.

I stared at him. Everything about him drew me in. His pretty bluish-gray eyes, his dirty blonde hair. It was always messy, and unkept, but even those parts were attractive to me. The fact that he'd take the time to get to know me...the fact that he saw me as more than just 'pretty'. Cliche, I know, but he stood out from everyone. It was crazy to think that he was just a face in a crowd, and then suddenly he became the only face I could make out in a crowd. That's how much I adored Carter. How much I loved him.

"Carter, just drop it..." I looked away from him.

He moved his hand to my face, forcing me to stare up at him. His deep, soothing voice filled my ears,

"Talk to me (Y/n), you can tell me anything,"

Looking up into his eyes, I felt so vulnerable. I couldn't help but tell him everything,

"I hate you, Carter! I think you're stubborn and beyond annoying! But, you're all I can think about, and I don't know why! When I first met you, I ignored you and deliberately tried to make you hate me, but you didn't! You forced your way into my life! You actually tried to get to know me, and even after that I still tried to get away from you! But it didn't work, because even when we're apart, I still feel you here, or maybe here? I don't know...! But you're like a parasite that's entered my brain, and just won't leave me alone!" I let out frustratedly, pointing to my heart, and then to my brain.

A bright smile came across his features as I told him this.

"That's a weird way of saying I love you (Y/n),"


Before I knew it, his lips were pressed against mine. I didn't move mine at all, because I don't know how to kiss. I just shut my eyes, in fear. Fear of what comes after.

"I love you, (Y/n). Will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart raced when he asked me that. I don't know if it was because I was afraid, or if it was because I loved him.

"Fine," I stared away from him. Instantly, you picked me up and spun me around. I was so afraid you'd drop me, but you didn't.

I thought you really loved me, Carter, because I really loved you. When I asked you how things went wrong, your excuse was love. It didn't make sense because, if you really loved me, then you would have never put me in that position. You would've never hurt me the way you did.

"(Y/n)! You have to see this! You deserve to know!" My friend Gale led me through a party that I was forced to come to. We made our way through all the drunk people partying, and up the stairs. We stood in front of the closet. I looked at Gale in confusion.

"Open it," She said with a distressed expression.

I opened it, and immediately upon seeing him, my eyes watered in tears.

Every time I looked at you, I felt happiness despite hiding it. This was the first time. The first time seeing your face made me feel pain.

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