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〚Third Person P.o.v〛

Craig's gang sat on the side of the road, far away from town. They made sure that no one from the party had followed, and that they were far enough from any adults who would question why they were out so late.

Craig carried (Y/n) out of the car, sitting on the sidewalk with (Y/n) in his lap.

"It'll be okay, (Y/n), deep breaths," Tweek said calmly, pushing her hair out of her face. He was the most fit person to help her mediate her panic. She nodded, blinking away tears. Craig trembled as he watched her. It pained him so much to see her like this.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n)..." Craig croaked out, his eyes filling with tears. Clyde sat down next to him, and Craig immediately moved her into his lap instead. He walked away from the group to try to calm himself down.

Clyde was already in tears from seeing (Y/n) get like this, despite that, his cries were silent, as he held her.

"Drink some water, but in small sips okay? I don't want you to choke," Tweek scooted over to (Y/n). He opened the water bottle, and she started to sip it silently.

"Tolkien, Jimmy, can you guys go check on Craig?" Tweek asked them. They nodded silently and went off to look for Craig.

(Y/n)'s breaths became more consistent, and her heart rate started to go back to normal.

"You have asthma right? So you should know how to use this," Tweek shook his inhaler and popped off the cap.

"We're gonna do it twice, okay? On three I'll press the button and you hold your breath slightly, then breathe out, okay?" Tweek instructed softly. She nodded.

He placed the mouth part of the inhaler in her mouth.

"One two three..."

"One two three..."

She exhaled. Despite calming her body back down, she was still shaky, and her tears still hadn't stopped falling.

"Thank you." She said softly. Tweek sent her a small smile, before caressing her face.

"Of course, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) swallowed down and wiped her tears. She took deep breaths to keep trying to calm down. She wrapped her arms around Clyde's neck and rested her face on his chest. A silence fell between all of them. Tweek, who was seated next to Clyde on the sidewalk, kept his attention on (Y/n). In just a few seconds, Craig, Tolkien, and Jimmy appeared, sitting down with them. Craig sat on the other side of Clyde, looking at (Y/n) whose eyes were shut. Despite this, tears still fell from her eyes.

Tolkien sat next to Craig, and Jimmy sat next to Tweek.

(Y/n), took another deep breath, "I really trusted them both..." She said meekly.

"I... I rarely open up my heart to anyone... and the only times I did, it completely backfired. Carter cheated on me, Kyle only dated me to win a bet, and Stan only wanted to get to know me for the bet too...I...I don't know what I should do...What do I do now?" She cried softly.

"You can always go back to the original plan," Craig suggested with a light chuckle.

This caught (Y/n)'s attention.

"Avoid drama for as long as I can and then retire with many (cats/dogs)?"

"Yeah, and once you get to that point, you could totally move in with Craig and me once we're married," Tweek said warmly.

"Works for me," Craig chuckled.

"You wouldn't mind living with many (cats/dogs)?" (Y/n) asked softly.

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