Chapter 7

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I woke up too soon the next morning.

I rolled over on my bed, yawing as I reached for my phone next to my pillow to see what time it was. Great, I couldn't have had a good night's sleep after being in a club the whole night, I see. I sighed, staring at the ceiling before getting up. I just sat on the edge of my bed, my phone somewhere between my pillows now, and stared into an empty space on my wall, still trying to fully wake up.

"God, I hate mornings," I muttered, getting up. I walked out of my room, the silence hitting my ears. I got to the kitchen, opening our fridge to get something to eat. I need to get Amy to go shop with me, we are lacking food already. I took out my yoghurt and after finding a spoon for myself, I slowly walked back into my room.

"Where the hell did my phone go?" I mumbled angrily, throwing my pillow on the floor to see better. "I am never putting anything on my bed again," I commented after I found it hidden in my blanket.

I connected my headphones to my phone, placing it on my table instead of my bed this time and went to my easel on the other side of my room. My room wasn't one of the biggest, Amy definitely took the bigger one, but I didn't mind, it was big enough to fit in all my art supplies, my gaming setup, bookshelf and I still had a lot of space for walking, or just sitting on the floor playing the guitar, which was something I did a lot lately.

I had a good 2 or 3 hours left before Amy would wake up with a headache, muttering she will never go to a club again, as she always does, so I decided to finally start painting again. I didn't touch any canvas in months due to music and I hated it. Even though I would never give up on being a singer, painting was my hobby too.

The three hours, as I guessed, passed by quicker than I would expect. Not only that I didn't finish my painting, which I thought I would, but I could swear it was like an hour ago when I finished my yoghurt and left it on my table, because I was too lazy to go and throw it away.

Amy came into my room, looking like a zombie, and lay on my bed, still half asleep.

"I am never going to a club again," We both said at the same time and I had to laugh when she said exactly what I thought she would. I took down my headphones, turned them off, and walked to her.

"I told you to slow down soon enough," I told her, making her mumble something. She turned around on my bed, ready to sleep some more. "Get up, eat something and take a shower. We have to go shopping."

"Noo," she whined and I shook my head.

"I also need your hacking skills." When I said that she opened her eyes, suddenly listening. "I explain when you do the things I told you to do." I chuckled, taking her hands to make her get up from my bed.

"Okay, I am going," She said, still half asleep. "But you'll explain on the way. I need every detail of why I am searching for this boy for you," She winked at me and I had to laugh.

"I finish up and we'll go, hurry up." I sent her out of my room, still laughing, and turned my headphones on again, ready to finish the painting.

"I am ready," Amy said as she walked to my room again, sunglasses on, coffee in her hand. "Can you drive? I don't know how much you had last night."

I nodded, "Definitely not as much as you did. I am fine."

"Good," She muttered, letting me have a sip of her coffee. I cleaned up everything and followed her outside, going to my car. Amy doesn't have her own car, but she is usually the one driving as she enjoys it more than I do.

"Now," She started as she fastened her seat belt. "Who am I searching for?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee as she looked at me.

"A girl," I answered. "Not for me though." I added. "It's for Felix."

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 • 𝐇𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now