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I lay in bed ready for the night to just be over

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I lay in bed ready for the night to just be over. Sighing I begin to relax just as jay walks in. "There asleep" he said pooping down beside me. "So Erin staying a while" "I think so said Olive is coming to" he nods "just so you know I prefer you thinking I'm cheating than you disappear" he said kissing my head "at least then I can talk you down from the ledge" he held me close kissing me "I don't care if you think I'm cheating well I do because I'm not but you disappearing is something worse because I can't fix that your brother isn't here to help me find you and I'm still as clueless as the first time it happened" I smile kissing him "I'm sorry" "don't be I know your ok and I know this is who you are it's apart of the woman I love" "I love you" "you make me the happiest man alive" he opens his mouth to speak but gets cut off when our door is thrown open and our four year old crawls into bed. Jay instantly sighs making room for her. I can't help but laugh as Justin comes and joins the madness as well. "Yeah sure join us" Jay said making me laugh again.

Jay had gone to work leaving me with Erin and the kids. Erin left to get lunch leaving me soully alone. I didn't care. Daniel is inside while Olive and Abby were in the city somewhere

Kelly pulled up to the house Alvin in the passenger seat beside him. Kelly grabs Alvin's wrist stopping him getting out. He watched DelilahJo stand in front of a man he had never seen. She was standing like she was protecting the house. "Do you know who that is" "no why" "Benji I need you run in the house find your siblings and go to the place your mum tells you to go when something is wrong" "somethings wrong" "somethings very wrong" Kelly said getting out of the car "don't say hi just go find your siblings and go to that place" Kelly said before the two walked across the road.

"Where is she" "they aren't here" DelilahJo said for the millionth time. He was just getting more and more agitated. DelilahJo glanced behind praying Daniel was hidden. As she looked back at the man she sees Kelly and Alvin making there way over. Alvin runs straight past his mother doing exactly what his dad said. Kelly walked over "hey is everything ok" he asked praying that someone from the team showed up soon. He had called jay while in the car, keeping it simple so Alvin didn't worry. "None of your business" the guy snapped glancing at him but his soul attention was on DelilahJo.

Everyone moved on quickly. Jay had messaged the entire team, he was further away than some of the other members. By time Adam and Kevin pulled up the guy was holding a gun aimed right at DaliahJo. Kelly tried to protect her but ended up being shoved to the grass. Something clicked in Adam seeing DelilahJo standing there with her arms up, knowing the kids were somewhere inside. He shot. The ringing was deafening. The body fell onto DelilahJo sending them both to the floor. Adam scrambled to get DelilahJo as Kevin called the shooting in.

Voight stood in front of DelilahJo "what happened" "he he went to shoot me and Adam he stopped him killing me...I almost died I don't" DelilahJo was covered in blood luckily not her own. Both adam and Kevin stared at her "can you tell me what happened" Voight asked his arms around his daughter "he stepped forwards and went to shoot but Adam stopped him" she was a Voight they shouldn't be surprised that she knew how to lie. She told a whole made up story about how they saved him. A complete lie that only Kelly, Kevin and Adam knew. None of them would say anything. Jay rushes over to DelilahJo taking him in her arms. "The kids" DelilahJo gasped out "I got them stay with her" Voight said walking into the house. Jay held DelilahJo tightly. "Who's" "Olives husband" "why is he dead" Jay asked "I ugh I don't know he was looking for Olive and Abby he didn't see Daniel they aren't here" I said shaking my head.

Knocking on the door "it's grandpa" he knew the kids wouldn't be just in the garage there was a side door of some kind. "Grandpa" Aniyah squealed as all the kids barrelled out the door into his arms "Alvin said his dad say there was something wrong and we had to hide" Lexi said "what's wrong is mum ok where's dad" MillieFlorence said "they are all ok how about we go find a place to eat" he said leading them out the back towards his car which luckily he didn't park right out front. "Where shall we eat" "I like nuggets" Aniyah said "are you sure mum is ok" Justin said "your mum is perfect she has your dads uncle Kevin uncle Adam and the rest of the team right now though I'm going to have lunch with all my grandchildren" Hank told them "we never had lunch all together" Daniel said excitedly "yeah it's only been a few of us" Lexi said getting into the car "there's a lot of us" Alvin said shrugging "do you want to go to my house or have food at a restaurant" "we haven't been to a restaurant in forever" MillieFlorence said "yeah dad says there's way to many of us" Justin adds "I always tell him that dad says he shouldn't of had so many kids" Alvin said making Hank laugh. "Yeah well my daughter loves being your mother and unfortunately your dad loves to please her" Hank said making them laugh.

The table was packed. There was nothing but giggling and happiness. Hank was happy they didn't have the slightest clue. Back at the house everyone was now inside the house, everyone who was close to the Halstead/Severide family that is. Halstead/Severide/Voight if you are Lexi Rose and want to annoy your father. Adam, Kevin and DelilahJo made a silent vow not to speak about what happened. Kevin was more on the fence than the other two. As for Kelly he would go along with whatever Delilahjo said like always. The same way, she always did. It was clear that he didn't try to shoot DelilahJo and if you really looked he was only threatening. He only wanted Abby and Olive he didn't care for anyone else. Adam didn't hesitate though, Because the woman he cared about was in danger.

Across the city Erin was in a hotel room, silently sitting as olive put Abby to sleep. "She's down and asleep" Olive said smiling happily at Erin "where's Lilah she said she was coming" "Olive" Erin said making Olive look a her "I think you should sit down" she was confused but follow the instructions "something happened I don't know every detail but Evan showed up at camis house" "my husband Evan" Erin nod "yeah I don't know all the details Kelly pulled up and he was already there...he was asking for Abby and you asking turned into threatening quickly and he shoved Kelly before pulling a gun and threatening Cami Adam shot him he didn't make it Olive" "he wouldn't have hurt her" "they didn't know that" "what's the story he he wouldn't have gone there and threatened her with her kids inside the gun probably had no bullets" "Olive" "No I have to find my son I loved Justin I did but he always said to tread carefully around Lilah that she is their fathers daughter and would do anything to keep those she loves safe" Olive rambled "Olive" Erin sighed "Evan may be horrible but he wouldn't risk hurting the kids and she's always around the kids" "we don't know what else happened Olive" "Adam would lie for her they all would I remember after she came back noticing how much he liked her even then I could see how much she cared for him I'm surprised she didn't take a leap...she's a Voight the princess she gets what she wants even if he didn't have a gun Evan wouldn't have made it out of there alive he threatened the princess everyone in Chicago knows you threaten the princess you die" Olive ranted completely unaware all the things she was saying.

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