Slow Steps

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School drop off were quite complicate

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School drop off were quite complicate. Three different schools. Middle school for MillieFlorence. As she is smart she was in all the smart classes which she's happy about. Grade school for Alvin and the twins. Alvin was in as apart if an after school activity. He wanted to but truthfully I think he just doesn't like being 'forced' to run. Last but not least was Aniyah she goes to preschool right by the district. If it's a slow day for the team one of them will run down and get her.

"First crime scene in a while" Aidan Matthew's said making me look up at him. "I thought you left Chicago" I said as intelligence pulled up. "No Jack and Brianna miss you" he said making me sigh "yeah I've been busy" I said getting up "hey beautiful" Jackson said hugging me between him and a certain detective Lucas, jay was always jealous. Thankfully he knew they would never actually do anything and trusted me more than anything. "Only really speak to Corey Peter and Eloise" "Eloise still best friends with Millie" I nod before looking around "Thankfully Shawn and everyone else could gather everything I needed but I'm back" I smile they kiss my head before walking over to intelligence to fill them in.

I was gathering evidence from the body "should Jay be worried" Adam questioned "why" "boys in suits" I laugh "Jackson and Aidan they are just friends" "hmm I'm sure" I glance as Adam as Kim joined. "Uh well from what I know just by the the scene the murder didn't happen here I know I'm saying murder and I don't actually know but murder is shorter than Homeside and this girl obviously had a hand in crossing over...that's not my department though" "I have missed you" Kim laughed making me smile "but my team did discover this so something happened over here" I said leaded them excitedly, a bit morbid but I always get excited when at a scene. "Now it's still being processed so whether it's the scene or apart of the dump sight is yet to be determined" i said walking backwards facing them before turning to continue walking. I don't even get to take one step before I bump into jay. His hands are instant around me. "Fancy seeing you here" I laugh "well I would hope i wouldn't run into you like this but it is nice seeing you" I tap his chest stepping back noticing Hailey beside him. I hadn't forgotten what I overheard. Nor had I told Jay. "Hi" I said politely "i should show them over here if you want to come" I said moving to the side "I think made at a scene you shouldn't touch me like that" I whisper as they all walk with me "would you be opposed to a surprise visit to your very dark office" I laugh "if I have finished my work than I won't complain" I said luckily we were quiet enough so no one heard. At least I know Adam and Kim didn't, Hailey however well I didn't care.

I was looking through a microscope trying to get a better look at the make up of the fibre. I rotate the dial to zoom in just a bit more. If I could understand it I could find it. A knock startled me. "Hey Kelly rang said he couldn't get ahold of you" I turn looking for my phone I frantically pick up books that were spread across my lad desks. "Hey it's ok kellys got it Alvin just punched someone I didn't get the whole story but it's something to do with Lexi he had to go home so his at the fire station but he wanted to know if he should bring him here or the district I said here probably won't be for another hour he was on his way back to the house when he rang" I slowly nod "that means we got at least an hour" Jay smirked making me laugh "no I said if I finish I haven't" I said sternly. He just laughs leaning against the table I was working at.

I couldn't focus with jay distracting me so of course we ended in my private office with the blinds closed. I was just thankful that I had body sprays and a mirror so when Kelly and my child got here it wasn't the most obvious thing. "You know I'm still waiting on that baby you told me you would impregnate me with or was you almost dying your way of telling me we have enough kids" "are five not enough" "five was the goal but I wanted the pregnancy" "they barely fit in the car as it is if your car didn't have an extra row" "it had an extra three seats Jay three we have room for one more" "but I can't promise just one as we established already...I knew already almost died I don't need the woman I love murdering me" I snort back a laugh "that would definitely be something you don't see coming" I joke he however does not fare the humour. "I'm also still waiting on they wedding" "I'll get right on that" "I mean I have been waiting nine years so I guess that means I'm not really going anywhere" he just smirks kissing my head as I look back through the microscope trying to identify a new thing on the slide. "I don't want to much of an age gap before it was like your recovery then finding a rhythm of our normal the twins are ten and Aniyah is three" "how about I plan a wedding and we can get to the honeymoon and baby making" "have to say I never thought about getting pregnant on a honeymoon where will we go" "where do you want to go" he smirks I don't get to reply because Kelly and Alvin walked in. "What happened" I ask, Jay not so subtly fist pumps him and ruffles Alvin's hair "I got a call to pick him up suspended for three days" "they were bullying Lexi you don't do that" "you also don't punch people" "I punch jay all the time" I glare at Jay who holds his hands up in surrender "at home not at school" I sigh "look i can't exactly be mad at you for protecting your sister but that doesn't mean I'm not mad" "did you get that" he asked Jay because despite the fact they pretend to hate each other, jay is one of his best friends. I sigh glaring at jay wishing he wasn't here. Jay will be a parent if he has to be and always makes sure he is safe and treated like the other kids, however he leaves most of the parenting stuff to me and Kelly. Even if we don't care jay is on every form for Alvin so if he needs to go to the doctors, the school needs someone jay can make decisions on our behalf. Same with Kelly and our other three kids. His not on Aniyah information yet but he will be. Ironically it was jays idea to put Kelly on. "What I mean is that your going to be punished for punching someone because unless it's jay you don't hit someone" "hey" Jay exclaimed as Kelly laughed "what if they punch me first" "obviously you fight back" Kelly said "come one in here you are going to sit at my desk and not move doing all your school work" "at the desk this room isn't even fun" he complained refusing to walk making it incredibly funky hard for me to move him. "It's fun enough you aren't going to get up unless it's for the bathroom and if I have to monitor your bathroom breaks I will" I snap sitting him down "mum you know I need to move" oh I know this is going to kill me. "Mum" he gasped looking at Kelly who was leaning on the door "listen to her" "please don't leave me dad" he begged "he has to work and this isn't a reward this is a punishment" I wasn't going to torture him. I knew he would need to move the kids doesn't know how to be still. He is forever getting in trouble because he can't sit still and is always moving. Even if his sitting his tapping, something is always moving. He doesn't know I would let him walk around whether that means just the lab or we will go for a walk I haven't decided yet. I'm just going to let him pout for a bit while he does schoolwork. He is behind (with his schoolwork) but that's just because he can't sit still long enough but I'm working on it helping him.

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