Date Night

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Kelly had Alvin for the next two days

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Kelly had Alvin for the next two days. Alvin did know all he had to do was get Kelly to call and he can come back. Kelly was his dad and I want him to be comfortable there like he is at home. MillieFlorence had begged my dad to let her stay the night so of course I agreed. The twins of course wanted to get in on the action, I however thought it would be better if it was just MillieFlorence and my dad as opposed to all three of my kids. So the twins are with Will wanting to still go somewhere. Aniyah was with Adam having a spa day, he had been spending me photos of the face masks since I dropped her off. Makayla who is their (Kim and Adam) daughter it's a complicated situation, she's is also there.

"First time since before the twins we are soully alone" "we weren't together before the twins they were the result of a one night that reminded us of our feelings" I roll my eyes "yeah that's right" he sighs sitting beside me on the couch. "I did think about an awesome date night where we can get all sexy but than I figured an awesome date night on the couch where we are equally sexy would be much better" he passed me a beer "I'm kinda glad I didn't plan anything because getting those three kids to three separate locations honestly I think I just want to watch something and than go to sleep" "so if I wanted to do more" he looked at me "do you" "we could" "well I certainly wouldn't say no" he smirked at me as he stretched his legs out across the coffee table. I lean into him, my head on his chest. His arms around me tightly "I agree though we should watch a movie first get our energy carting the kids around and making sure they are happy is exhausting" he laughs kissing my head.

After a lovely movie we made dinner together. We never made it together before. It was normally just me and he came home right at dinner, or one of us was off making sure all the kids did their homework and weren't getting in trouble. It felt nice like we had no other worries in the world. Chopping the vegetables to feel his arms around me before sharing one of our many kisses. Honestly we need to start making dinner together more often his is almost as good as sex. It got very steamy in the kitchen and not from the streamed vegetables.

Let's just say the plates weren't cleaned with all the flirting the tension built and built until we couldn't bare the tension anymore.

He came up behind me as I was tidying up, his hands gently grab me and spin me fast. His lips were on mine before I could even comprehend what was happening, as his body pushed me against the the island that's now behind me. I felt his hands roam my body before finding all the spots I absolutely love his hands touching me. My hands doing the exact same. It felt like forever since my hands truely explored him. Suddenly like an electric shock he picks me up putting me on the counter. Our lips effortlessly moving as we give complete control to instinct.

I suddenly tap his chest as I felt myself being pushed back "I'm not having sex in the kitchen on our bench with you" I said breathlessly he nods just as breathless. I go to speak but before I can get any words out he picks me up making sure I'm comfortable before carrying me upstairs. He delicately places me on the bed before connecting our lips again. He slowly climbs on top of me our lips never parting. Clothes went flying with our puffing breaths.

I lay with my head on his chest exhausted from the extra circular activities. He leans down kissing my head. "If one of them ring" "if you jinx it your sleeping on the couch" he laughs "I love you" he said making me lean up and connect our lips "I think it goes without say but I will say it because I know I don't say it enough I love you" "think out of the two of us I say it the least babe" "think our children get all the I love you's" he chuckles "mainly Lexi" "hey all her siblings apart from Alvin who's chaos are genius" "I know what Will wants to talk about" he looks at me "I don't know if Kelly assumes but I have assumed since he was little honestly thought Lexi was the same but she calmed down and when he didn't I knew" "can you fill me in Will said this whole speech about how despite me being on all his paperwork he wanted to talk to you first about it" "how his hyper, how he can't sit still even for a meal, how when he was younger he would run up and down the halls a million times, how he was always my crazy goofball...I think I always knew. Deep down I know it would probably help him to talk to Will it's just I'm petrified" I spoke as if I hadn't heard his question "why" "I don't want to loose my hyper boy I am so scared he won't be him" "you don't know that will happen and if it can help" I remain silent "you don't have to do anything but maybe talk to Will you know he will tell you everything even if it's scary I know you read and probably read every book out there but books aren't always right they are just one side" he said rubbing my back "maybe it will help our Vinny even if he changes wouldn't you rather him succeed in life than feel like his failing" Jay did have a point "go for coffee I think he has Thursday off actually message him and ask him I don't know don't have to do anything formal just coffee like you and him normally do" he said making me nod sighing "hell if you want I'm sure April will know something if talking is to much...granted she's a nurse so Will will probably have a better idea a conversation can't hurt anybody especial if Vinny isn't there" Jay told me making me nod "thank you for being my level headed person and always explaining this that maybe my smart mind can't originally see" he smirks "glad I can be of service to your genius" I laugh "I love you so so much" "I love you to gorgeous" he said kissing me.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo Voightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें