Catch up

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It's been nine years. Everyone has grown. Jay and DelilahJo haven't gotten married but they have grown closer and closer. As far as anyone knew they were just together, nothing more nothing less.
Jay has become Hanks second in command in intelligence. His also the perfect father. DelilahJo works during the day only after dropping the kids off at school. She always says she's a mum first. The aim was to get pregnant when the twins were two but life got in the way. They are talking about it though.

MillieFlorence Moon was her grandfathers princess through and through. She knew if her parents wouldn't let her do something he would. She also says she's her last name is Voight just to annoy her father, which annoys her mother. She loves doing her own thing, very independent. She loved learning anything and everything much like her other. She was the smartest person in her class. She is also still obsessed with plants wanting to buy new ones every week just like her mother. She wants to be a scientist, she wants to use plants to cure diseases.

Alvin Benjamin was Lexi Roses king. He was his own person. Very strong willed person who drove his parents crazy. He would do anything for Lexi and to make sure she's happy. His tough and always on the move. It's like the kids doesn't know how to walk. He only does things he knows he will win, most races or track events that is. His obsessed with cars, the only time he actually stops is when his dad is teaching him how to fix them. He wants to be on squad like his dad.

Justin Henry his mother baby. He loves being around his mother. His mother loves to be with him and help as well. He is forever inventing things or experimenting. He made a face mask for his mum out of random things he found in the kitchen. It drove both his parents insane both they couldn't stay mad at him. Especially when jay sees how happy and relaxed DelilahJo is testing them out. His also made a few creams that jay sneakily steals from DelilahJo liking them more than the random store bought stuff. He loves inventing new things just as much always asking his dad to take him to get more stuff to make things. His already made a bird feeder that feeds itself. Don't tell anyone but DelilahJo broke it because she hated the birds coming, she blamed it on a wild animal. His also made a book straighter no one really gets it but he does and now they have every straight books. His made a wind charm for his grandpa after his mum suggested he might like it knowing very well her dad can't say no to his grandchildren. Everyone does know his not actually inventing things but his making them out of things he finds or forces his dad to buy making them special.

Lexi Rose the baby. She's the wild card, the chaotic one. She's always chasing after Alvin wanting to do everything he does. She does love art and music where Alvin doesn't. She's also the only one who has shown any interest in being a cop exciting jay. Jay would never push and would be happy with anything, as long as they are happy his happy. He however can't help but be excited.

There is a four year old wonder child full of life and energy. She's apart of the family. But we'll get into that later.

All the kids see Hank all the time constantly randomly showing up to his house.

Other than that everything is the same.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo VoightWhere stories live. Discover now