A new beginning

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I snuggle with MillieFlorence and Lexi Rose reading a book about engineering

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I snuggle with MillieFlorence and Lexi Rose reading a book about engineering. I don't think they really got it, MillieFlorence probably got the concept of it she was smart. It was bringing them both a comfort. Inventing and engineering was Justin's thing. "Can I join" Aniyah pouts from the doorway. "Of course come in" she smiles climbing onto my large bed "where's daddy" "working" MillieFlorence answered "what about Vinny" "with uncle Kelly" Lexi rose answer her this time "why" she began only for MillieFlorence to put her hands over her mouth "we are reading no more questions" it was a playful tone they all snuggled in again and I read all about engineering. "Can we make rockets" Aniyah questioned "maybe I'm sure your dad or uncles can help" i said "why not you" "mums hurt still she can't" Lexi Rose said I sigh hearing Caleb who had only been home a day cry. I slowly get up but MillieFlorence beats me running down the hall.

Jay walked in looking confused "was wondering where they were" he said quietly all three girls were asleep "I need to talk to you" "sounds serious" "it is" he said making me frown "what's" "it's just I have been thinking over everything this is your home" he stops when his eyes land on Caleb's little body "it's your as well your home.... I have Alvin and Caleb here it's only right he can be here as well" he sighs "Alvin is different and truth be told I kinda ignored Caleb's existence until now" "understandable now what how do you feel" "don't care" I nod slowly picking up Caleb who begins to whine "my only concern is how will he cope here I mean we have alot of kids six to be exact Alvin goes to Kelly's a lot Caleb will probably go to Adams when his older...then there's Makayla who will now be included because she's his daughter and I'm all for including her so that brings us to seven and how do we explain the empty room" "I'd image it would take some time" "moon and Lexi rose can stay with dad" "no this is my crazy life I want him apart of it" "I think it might me a lot for Lex she just lost her twin and gained Caleb and now" he sighs "how are we meant to help her if we are barely surviving" "I don't know Vinny is going to hate it" "yeah Kelly want to take him more" I snort "I don't think he would survive more time and Vinny wouldn't accept it" "yeah the kid would probably have the whole police department after him before he went along with that" "also Kelly works so he couldn't incase you weren't joking" "you got it right it was a joke" "we have the spare room Lexi is sleeping in moons room Aniyah has her own and this guy is in the office room" I said lifting Caleb "want me to take them to bed" I look at our girls "no leave them" he pouts dramatically "I haven't tried to squeeze in a bed with all of them in a long time" "well we don't have Justin taking up all the space so you'll be fine" I roll my eyes "don't want to get in now" he mumbled before going to the other side of the bed to get in.

He lays with Aniyah on his chest. "I wanna hug you" "tough our children need us right now" "I know and they give better hugs" he smirked at me making me roll my eyes. "Dad thinks I should go to his for a few days" "why" "maybe we can I don't know I worried about Alvin his already so protective because of what happened and loosing j....his going to hate all this and his here most of the time" "stop worrying and sleep babe" he said reaching out rubbing my head.

Jay brought Luis that afternoon. He was, I couldn't get a pick on him. He seemed shy and polite but something told me he was far more like Alvin than perceived. Adam picked the kids for me. "Who's he" Alvin said "vin buddy this is Luis my son" Alvin instantly looks at me "not your buddy" Alvin snapped "his not staying" "Vinny"'I snap making him look at me "upstairs" "no" "listen to your mother" Jay said Alvin laughs making me sigh and walk over. I grab his arm "I'm still healing help me out"'I said quietly he sighed and walked "he doesn't speak for all of us" MillieFlorence said politely "if his your dad that makes you our brother not Alvin's or Caleb's you'll get use to it" she said quickly "that's Aniyah and Lexi your sisters" "Justin liked Star Wars to" Lexi said "oh I they were my grandfathers" Luis said making her nod

"You need to calm down" I snap at Alvin we could still hear "you know what this means" "yeah I do I also know that I invited him here" i said "mum he can't live here" "he is I'm pretty sure they can say the same about you" I said after a moment he remained silent. I nod "mum he can't" "hey his not going to replace Justin if that's what you think because I know it's what Lexi Rose thinks" I said glancing at the door to see my beautiful red head. "Daniel's moving in with grandpa temporally so we can go get him and have a Justin day where we do thing that my big brother his daddy liked and things that your brother liked" I said "he can't"Alvin repeated "Niyah is in love with him can I hate him" Lexi rose said sitting beside me Alvin remained silent "hey I don't care if your happy or sad about this it's happening it makes dad happy so you'll both be polite I know you can do that" I said looking at them both "now I got a baby to care for I don't need you two causing problems" I said getting up ignoring the pain in my stomach. "I wanted him here remember that me and dad do so don't drive him away" I snap walking away

"Luis" he looks at me "I'm DelilahJo you can call me anything you like can I hug you" I said happily he glances at Jay who nods he sighs before nodding "your dad was awkward about hugs when we first got together" I said smirking at Jay making him roll his eyes "you can have the spare room now it's bare now we can do whatever you like to paint the walls black the ceiling green" "mum has terrible taste" MillieFlorence mused smiling happily "the rooms across from mine or you could have the one downstairs" she said quickly I nods "there's lots of us but don't feel threatened you can do anything even if that means staying in the room we are loud and I know that so you do whatever you can to make yourself comfortable we want you here your jays kid and I hope one day through time you'll consider me as someone you can come to" I said smiling "and if they are annoying or overwhelming or anything you tell us" I add glancing at Alvin who rolls his eyes.

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