Nothing is Normal

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We were operating like the perfect married couple now

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We were operating like the perfect married couple now. Jay left early this morning after getting a call about a case. I wasn't at my full strength/health. I was well enough though. I had popped it was safe to say everyone knew I was pregnant. No one knew the truth though. I could tell Jay was struggling with it, he wasn't saying anything or doing anything because the alternative was worse than the reality I was creating.

I finish doing Aniyahs hair "go get your stuff tell your siblings we are leaving in five minutes" she happily races off as I finish getting ready and grab my things. "Mum I haven't had breakfast" MillieFlorence said and judging by the nod Alvin did and his bed hair I'd guess he didn't either. "You can put toast in the toaster and have it in the car or grab a fruit bar" I said putting my stuff in the car "I'm sitting in the back" Alvin shouts making me roll my eyes everyday sometimes more than once it's an argument of who sits in the back. I make sure Aniyah is strapped in as Justin sits beside her. Eventually Alvin gets in the back with Lexi beside him and in from of Alvin next to Justin, MillieFlorence. I get in checking my mirrors "everyone buckled" I ask waiting to hear a yeah from everyone before driving off.

"Be ready three car accident we're the closest hospital" Maggie called "uncle will" Alvin said racing over hugging him tightly. Will looks up from his nephew just in time to see his sister in law and his nieces and nephews. "He wouldn't let us touch him...managed to get him to hold the bandage on his head but nothing else" Sylvie said making Will look at him "I'll fix it come sit on the bed" he said to Alvin. Like jay Alvin had become apart of his family, he loved the eleven year old.

Four stitches just above his left eyebrow. Alvin followed Will around from the moment he finished. Stella who had just finished checking on someone paused when she saw Alvin. "Benji" she said gaining his attention. She didn't miss wills pleading look. "There was an accident they're all here jays not answering" "he has a big case he doesn't answer mum when he has a big case" Alvin said "they had to sedate Justin" Will sighs "you called Kelly" "DR HALSTEAD" Dr Choi called "not yet" "go I'll wait with him and call Kelly" "make sure Jay or Kelly sign that when they come" Stella nods. It's not protocol but Will knew they wouldn't leave the hospital. Will wants in to see a panicked MillieFlorence saying facts. "Hey moon" "uncle Will" she sighed "tell her what your doing she's a lot like DelilahJo she's smart and knows a lot of what all it does" Will said walking over to her as she's telling the nurse facts about the iv she's hooking up, it was almost animated.

Stella didn't know what to do. She loved in the fact Alvin wasn't pushing her away like normal. It was just hard. Because he was normally distant with her she didn't know how to respond to him. She called the chief who would get Kelly there. Kelly was currently out on a call. "Do you think there ok" he asked "I don't know but I do know Will and everyone else is working very hard go make them ok" she did know telling him everything would be fine would be worse for him. Alvin sighs leaning against her.

Jay ran in worried before he could say anything Alvin jumps up launching himself on jay. "Papa" Alvin whimpered "Jay" will called the doctors wanted to speak to jay update him and have him make medical decision, without Alvin though. "Tell Voight I'll be over soon" he didn't want to but right now Alvin needed him. He also knew that Voight would do anything for his daughter and grandchildren. Jay didn't know how bad it was. "Lexi wouldn't wake up" Alvin whimpered as Jay tried to stand only to have Alvin tighten his grip. Sigh sighs before picking the heavy eleven year old up. It wasn't the first time it however doesn't happen often only when Alvin falls asleep on the couch. Alvin normally hates anyone but his mother touching him, much less carrying him his not a baby. "Kellys on his way he was on a call" Stella said she couldn't help the jealousy in her stomach when Alvin called jay papa. She had to remind herself jay knew him since he was a baby and helped raise him. "Vinny take a deep breath can you tell me what happened" "mumma was driving over the bridge and a car just turned into us we went flying and another car below hit us again" Jay was confused "the car went off the bridge" Adam asks scaring jay as he didn't know he was there. Alvin just nods. "I know where this happened" Kevin said he heard calls "Jay you need to go see them" "Vinny how about we go get stuff for your siblings" Adam offered. Alvin wouldn't let go though.

Kelly ran in seeing Jay holding Alvin. Jay gave Alvin who finally let go holding his dad just as tightly. Stella had long since gone back to the station. "Delilah, Lexi and Aniyah were brought in unconscious, Lexi is in surgery same as Delilah" Will began watching his brother "they had to sedate Justin his currently having test done but right now his fine...Millie is talking a million miles panicking" "telling everyone facts" Jay questions knowing his daughter will nods "yeah in between asking for Voight and you she only has a few broken bones" will said "Delilah needs decisions to be made we had to remove the baby otherwise she wouldn't survive she's in surgery stopping internal bleeding right now" Jay nods "dna test the baby it's what she was going to do if it's ruzs let him decide what to do Niyah" "let me see she's up getting a mri and brain scan she can in unconscious so they are checking what's wrong whether she's just unconscious type of thing Millie will go up soon to doubt check there's no internal injuries we checked before and there wasn't any immediate serious internal injuries she's currently on an iv so they can see how the blood moves in the scan" will explain "Justin's up there as well" "was he sedated in the scene or here" "at the scene they said he was inconsolable they couldn't treat him he was on the brink of having a heart attack but they didn't know if it was from the crash or the panic" Jay nods "I don't" "how about you sit with Millie until Justin comes down Voights with her Justin's sedation will be wearing off now...someone will come get you when his in the icu" "Niyah Lexi and Dede" "we'll keep you updated I'll tell them to put Niyah in the same room as Justin" wills said making jay sigh.

Justin was laying in his dads arms. He wanted his mother but accepted his father was just as good right now. MillieFlorence was sitting in a wheelchair beside Hank. She was fine beyond the broken bones and concussion. Aniyah was unconscious and they were waiting for her to wake up. She ended up having a brain injury and went straight in for surgery, which is why it was taking so long for her to wake up. Lexi was still in surgery same as DelilahJo. Lexi Rose had brain surgery along with surgery chest surgery, she had internal bleeding in her stomach and chest. DelilahJo had heart surgery along with a c section, she had been impaled in the stomach it's a miracle the baby survived. Because if her cancer her body was reacting differently and is far weaker.

Jay had told them to do everything they could to save the baby but beyond that he didn't care. Right now until DelilahJo wakes or Adam is found to be the father jay is the emergency contact being DelilahJo's husband. Jay wasn't a monster he knew DelilahJo would want the baby to survive. Jay actually told them that if there's any complications relating to the baby to refer to Voight. Jay couldn't clearly make decisions about a baby that wasn't his while his own were in such bad condition.

Kelly walks in with Alvin smiling sadly at jay. "Vinny" MillieFlorence cheered "hi are you ok" "a few broken bones but I'm let Uncle Will stitch you up" "four stitches" MillieFlorence smiles at him. Alvin and MillieFlorence had a special bond. He was her first sibling, the two of the against the world. The same kind of special bond Lexi and Justin have. "How are they" "Lexi is still in surgery same as Dede because of the cancer they are having to do things differently I've been told but beyond that I don't know" "the baby" "somehow alive she had to have a c section" Kelly nods as Alvin lays beside MillieFlorence careful not to hurt her. "How did this happen" Kelly said it was more of a statement "a driver going the opposite direction swerved into their car hitting the side Aniyah and Lexi were on the car jolted from impact before rolling over the barrier falling off the bridge to get hit by an oncoming car it's more of a miracle that they are alive" Hank said no one was really surprised that he knew the details he probably called someone to find out the moment he knew.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo VoightWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu