A tissue for your Issue

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Kelly walked in with Lexi Rose and Justin Henry and obviously Alvin making Kelly stop. "Hey go upstairs"  Alvin rolls his eyes but leads the twins upstairs "I thought he was meant to be at Delilah's tonight how do you come back with three kids" Kelly chuckles "something happened" this concerned Stella "Olive she is or was Delilah's sister in law she was Justin's wife before he...Evan is her new partner he turned up at Delilah's ruz ended up shooting him. He was threatening delilah, he didn't make it. Voight ended up taking the kids out the back and took them to eat. Mill and Aniyah is with Daniel and Voight" "that doesn't explain why they are here not that I'm complaining is delilah ok" Stella said concerned "Lilah is fine just in shock jays with her Voight is telling Daniel Millie is close to Daniel and Aniyah was sleeping cuddled up to him when I got there" "Voight cuddling someone" "anything for his grandchildren I was going to drop stuff off but offered to take them to make it easier even if Daniel probably won't care to much" "ok ok uh have they eaten" "yeah Voight took them out" "I'll make coffee this is going to be a long night" "maybe Justin is here though and according to Lilah he is the calm between the chaos and they all are pretty tired and worried" "uncle Kelly" Justin said from behind him him "what's up buddy" "can I sit down here and read" "of course you can" Justin seemed cautious. Unbeknownst to Kelly and Stella Justin had never stayed anywhere besides her grandfather, he was the one kid that's always been by DelilahJo's side. Lexi Rose was always coming over to Kelly's like his house had a revolving door and it was her house as well. MillieFlorence was always staying at her grandfathers, she was a bit of social butterfly though. Aniyah was cool to stay anywhere. All the kids are generally ok to stay at wills, there has been the odd time where one has to be picked up. All in all all the kids but Justin are ok staying places. "Voight did say we might be calling jay or having to drive him home" Kelly said making sure Justin didn't hear "he isn't good at staying places without Lilah...she even said jay hated it" "is there a reason" "not that I know of" Kelly said.

Justin couldn't sleep. He tried to read until morning but he just couldn't. "Uncle Kelly will take you home" Lexi Rose said "do you want me to come" Alvin asks looking at his brother "mum would be sad" "she won't she'll love a cuddle from all of us right now" Alvin said certainly, "come on" Alvin added pulling Justin's arms dragging him through the apartment. "Dad" Alvin said barging into the bedroom. "Justin needs you to take him home" "I don't" Justin said instantly not wanting to cause problems "we could call mum" Alvin said Kelly couldn't help but smile at how caring he was being. Kelly knew Alvin was caring however he rarely ever saw it. Lexi and him were more into causing mischief than anything else. DelilahJo always told him stories though. He also got small glimpses when he went over but never to this extent. "I think dad should drive you home" Kelly couldn't help but laugh "where's Lexi whenever one of you come in the other is up to something" Kelly asked looking through the door. Before either of the boys said anything Stella walked into the room "what's going on" she asked "dads taking Justie home" Alvin said with certainty looking at his dad "alright you go grab your stuff as long as you really want to go home" "he does" "benji let him speak go find Lexi" Alvin rolls his eyes walking away "that's better he doesn't have to speak for you we love than voice of yours" Kelly said hugging Justin. Like jay was always there for Alvin, Kelly was the same for the other kids. He didn't have to, it wasn't expected. It was a natural thing. Kelly was always over DelilahJo was his best friend, who he shared a kid with. So naturally when jay was working and Kelly wasn't, Kelly became there father. "Should we surprise your mum or do you just want to call them" "I think i think I want to" Justin pauses looking at the two. Kelly knew just by how he was looking at him. "Alright go get your stuff" Justin rushed away without another word "he didn't say" "he wants Lilah he just doesn't want to disappoint anyone so he won't admit it" Kelly said pulling out his phone calling jay knowing DelilahJo probably won't answer. "Are you taking the other two" "probably they will probably want to see Lilah and jay will you be ok if I don't" Stella nods.

"Mumma" Justin said rushing into Delilah's arms. DelilahJo sat on the couch. "Couldn't sleep" Jay questioned, Kelly nods. Jay kissing Lexi's head. Alvin had already gone into the house and was with DelilahJo. "You ok mumma the man" "everything is perfect" DelilahJo assured him. After hugs Kelly leaves with Lexi and Alvin.

"I'm sorry" Justin said after a moment. He was in his mothers arms, jay walks in with a glass of water for all of them. His wasn't exactly water but that's ok. "Don't think any of us expected you to last as long as you did kiddo" he said ruffling Justin's hair before sitting down.

DelilahJo stroked Justin's face, jay watching them carefully. Justin had fallen asleep against his mother. "Are you ok" Jay asks "no but you and him make it better" he sighs leaning over kissing her head. "I I think they inherited my mess of a head especially him" "we both know Vinny has your never stopping ability Moon your hyper focus and him his scared well leave him with a slight side of attachment issues" Jay said shrugging "I'm not the doctor though" he adds making DelilahJo laugh. "Want me to put him to bed" "a little longer"DelilahJo said sighing.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo VoightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin