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True to his word jay was in the kitchen cooking dinner. DelilahJo despite being exhausted she went to visit the two people who always Brought her clarity. "Are you and mum getting a divorce" MillieFlorence asks as she leaned on the island counter "Jay and mum are divorcing can I get mum in the divorce" Alvin said smiling innocently. "Aren't you meant to be with your dad" "do you miss me that much papa jay" "mum and dad are divorcing but who will we live with" Lexi said "I want to live with mum" "love you to Justin" Jay said storing the pot. He didn't plan on making anything extravagant like DelilahJo would. He was just making a minestrone that way he could give Aniyah the plain pasta, it's easier to deal with all there dislikes this way. Aniyah hates sauce on sauce her pasta, loves cheese though. "Me and your mum aren't getting a divorce" Jay told all the kids who were now in the kitchen. "Why are you on the couch then" MillieFlorence asks and at that moment jay hated how smart and observant all the kids were. "Not that I'm complaining more room for us to snuggle mum" Alvin said making Justin nod in agreement "why aren't you with your dad again" "oh there was a disagreement and here I am" "did you at least tell your dad" "can we focus on the divorce" Alvin asks trying to change the subject "what's divorce mean" Aniyah asks looking at her older siblings with hope "do not speak" Jay said pointing the stirring spoon at each of them "nothing you need to worry about bug" "it means dad mad mum upset and now his leaving" Justin said at the same time making jay glare and all his siblings bar Aniyah giggle. "No one is getting divorced me and your mum are very happy thank you for asking" "you should by her plants mummy loves pretty plants" Aniyah said smiling "ohh yes we should surprise mum with lots of plants" MillieFlorence said happily "no you and your mum have a problem" "who cares mum could die let's spoil her" Alvin shrugged pulling pictures up of different plants he thought they should get on the iPad. "Mummy is going to die" Aniyah exclaimed "what" Lexi said at the same time in shock. "Your mum isn't going to die" "I'm sure that's what grandma and grandpa told her and uncle Justin" Alvin said "they did" Justin said nodding. Jay wondered when Alvin and Justin became so close. Than again the threat of loosing someone you love does change dynamics. "She's not going to die" Jay repeated most of the older kids could tell he was trying to convince himself as well. "Is it because mum didn't tell you what happened" MillieFlorence said softly making jay freeze "don't be mad at her I didn't want her to call anyone when we were at the hospital and she had just had her first round of chemo and they didn't believe me don't be mad at her" MillieFlorence rambled "it's not your fault MillieMoon" Jay assured his daughter. "Wait what happened"  Lexi rose asked "Flo was attacked at school" Alvin said he heard all about it while at school, his dad filled him in on what really happened. Obviously Kelly didn't go into details just made sure he knew the truth and not the rumour. "You ok daddy will help same as grandpa and unk kev and unk ace they always say they make it better" Aniyah said MillieFlorence couldn't help but cry at her little sisters innocence. Jay sighed walking over and pulling her to his chest. MillieFlorence clutched onto him like her life depended it. "Vinny can you stir the pot...Justin can you drain the pasta and Lex get the bowls" Jay said they all stand there for a second staring at there older sister break in their fathers arms. "Me help to daddy" "how about you help Lex with setting the table Ni" all four of the kids were moving about the kitchen doing what they were told. Alvin and Justin knew how to cook, supervised of course but they both along with MillieFlorence cook a lot. "Justin leave a bowl of plain pasta the rest mix in with the sauce" "me no like sauce" "I know baby that's why we make sure there's pasta in a bowl before" Jay said picking up MillieFlorence. "Hey vin can I trust you to keep everything in order for a second no craziness" Jay sends Alvin the usual don't fuck with me right now dad look making Alvin nod. "Call if you need me listen to your brother" "his always in trouble dad" Justin moans but there wasn't any argument in it, he was more joking. Jay knew the way would work together and be ok.

Jay effortlessly carried his broken daughter up the steps to her room. He gently places her on her bed kneeling down beside her. "Are you ok do you want to talk" she shakes her head "you know I'm here right" Jay assured her.

Hank walks into the house looking for his daughter, unaware that she currently wasn't home. Following the noise, he is astounded to see Alvin and Justin cooking, Lexi and Aniyah setting the table. "We're are your parents" he asks startling them "grandpa" Aniyah squeal running over. "Dads upstairs" Justin shrugged as he started tipping the pasta in the pot as Alvin stirred. It was obvious they had done it together. "Moon was sad dad carried her upstairs" Lexi said fixing the table "where your mum" he asked looking around "she went to seek comfort whatever that means" Alvin said Hank knew where his daughter was. "I thought you were meant to be with your dad" "I left I like it here" "you tell your dad" "papa jay asked that as well" he shrugged.

"Mumma I can't be you my babies need me" she was in between Justin and her mum "I would do anything to feel Justin's arms around me...your name sake definitely does hugs like you" I said sighing "they are beautiful all six of my babies they would love you both it breaks my heart that they don't know you" I sigh "Daniel is thriving he wants to move to Chicago I speak to him every week see him every summer sometimes it's just him coming to stay for the summer seven kids aren't that hard" I giggle "he has a sister Abby who's two years younger than Lexi and Justin, but her and Lexi are close she's apart of the family as well we include her...I think something is going on in olives relationship Daniel has been giving me the gossip much like you use to tell me" I sigh "I just am I failing" "I don't think you are" I jump not expecting a reply I seeing Erin there "what are you doing here" "you don't think I was going to come when you told me about the cancer" I hug her tightly "how are you" "you heard feel like I'm failing" I said shrugging "your not those kids adore you" "moon was sexually assaulted and raped at school I couldn't protect her" "she was at school that's not a place you can protect her even if you want to" Erin said hugging me again "did she go to the police" "yep which was a fiasco in itself but dad came to the rescue and" "is it going to trial" "nope dad said his going to make sure they plead guilty" i told her. "Come on lets catch up" "you sure you want to step into chaos apparently Vinny left his dads and went home" "how is Kelly" "with Stella Erin I don't want you hurt truth be told think that maybe why he doesn't like Stella there he wants you with his dad" i told her "don't tell Kelly that though" "surprised you haven't" she said her arm around me as we walk. "Olive is planning on surprising you sometime she's talking about moving her but don't tell her I told you that" I nod "how are the other kids" "fantastic jay has stepped up a lot and if he can't dad or someone else comes I love watch jay be a father very hot" i wink at her "but it is annoying and a little suffocating" "I imagine but we all do it because we love you" "I know" I sigh we got in the car, Erin driving towards my house. "You staying at dads" "if he'll have me" "we both know he will" I said rolling my eyes.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo VoightWhere stories live. Discover now