Places with Genius'

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Weekends weren't as chaotic as weekdays but they were still chaotic

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Weekends weren't as chaotic as weekdays but they were still chaotic. We have five kids so there was never a calm. Calm what even is that.

Jay and I got up early. Correction jay got up early like 1am early because Aniyah was crying for us. I obviously got clothes on before they got back but we snuggled for a few hours before getting up early. Will was bringing the twins back early because he had work. Before we assume anything Will wanted them. I don't know when MillieFlorence was being returned, my father did know me and Jay were planning to go to a museum or something though. MillieFlorence would die if she found out we went without her. Alvin is with Kelly today but who know he might end up coming.

The team had just finished a big case so they had the next three days off, unless a big case comes up and their needed. A lot of them had pulled many all nighters these past couple weeks so, Makayla had even stayed over a few times. It was a lot six kids. I'm just thankful Kelly and everyone else always are extra helpful when big cases come up.

Jay had ended up making us breakfast in bed. It's a rare thing we only have one child, said child was sitting on top of the covers. I was not getting stabbed by a thousand crumbs while I try to sleep. Jay had declared that I should remain in bed. Jay had taken all the dishes leaving me and Aniyah snuggling.

I could hear jay talking downstairs "mumma" Lexi said jumping on the bed crawling up to lay on the other side of her sister. "Hey babies" I said as Justin lays next to me. "Did you have fun with Will" "yeah" they both nod "where's Moon or Vinny" Lexi asks "don't know if Vinny is coming home his with his dad today and they might be doing for moon we'll have to wait and see your grandpa likes to live by his own rules" I said chuckling slightly.

They all have nicknames well most of them. MillieFlorence obviously gets Millie from most people, moon or MillieMoon from family, flora from Alvin I don't know where it came from, Adam calls her Flo. Alvin gets called Vinny or Ben or Benji think benji is exclusively Kelly and Matt while Vinny is our families. He hates anyone calling him Alvin. Justin Henry gets called Justie, or Justin think my dad sometimes calls him Henry. Lexi rose is mainly just lex or Lexi occasionally jay calls her Rosie. Aniyah gets called Ani, Niyah, A baby we're kinda just feeling out the nicknames. Who knows she could be like Lexi likes to be called by her name above everything or Alvin who doesn't like anyone but me, Kelly and Jay calling him by his his name. Not even his siblings can call him Alvin. Think he might just picked up it was a little hard for my dad in the beginning. He doesn't hate his name though, he loves his name. He always tells me that his so happy that we named him after Al. My dad is forever telling him stories of Al.

Jays arm way around me as we walk through the museum. Aniyah was in his shoulders. Lexi, MillieFlorence and Justin just in front of us looking at the exhibit of the butterfly slides. My dad next to them. "Did he have to come" Jay whispers "I see him all the time" I can't help but laugh "dad look" MillieFlorence said grabbing Jays elbow, his hand was holding Aniyah in place on his shoulders. "They never found cleopatras body" she said we were in the Egyptian section. "Did you know that" he whispers to me making me give him a deadpanned look "of course I did they have discovered a tunnel with cousins and other relics that have her face on it" he hums "I think she's my favourite but I do love this history" "what's your favourite Moon" Lexi asks "oh probably Greek but Egyptian comes in a close second" she said excitedly "look" Justin said him and my dad haas wondered off. "It's a room of inventions" not all the inventions were their obviously. They are were pictures and descriptions of all though. "It's definitely my favourite room" he adds smiling "why do all our children have your intelligence it makes me look like an idiot" I smile at him "they all look like you so I have to have something" I muse making him laugh "also Lexi isn't a genius" "yep that's my daughter brain wise" "and looks there is no one in the Voight family that has strawberry blonde hair also that beard of your haves strawberry orange hues" he rolls his eyes "do you think I should grow a beard" he said thoughtfully "more than stubble" he nods "hmm I think no but I won't be mad or judge you if you did want to...also never seen you with a beard" I told him "however if you do have one on our wedding day I may turn back around" I joke smiling at him. The smile only widening when I hear his laugh.

We had all gone to brunch after seeing the entire museum. "So should I expect to see you every time we have time off" Jay asked my father smiling I don't hear what my father says as MillieFlorence turned and started talking to me "mum do you think we could go to Egypt or Greece one day" "ohh if we are talking about places we want to go I want to go to Vietnam and Dubai" Justin said "I wanna go on a cruise" Lexi said smiling "ok one we aren't going anywhere yet so quit planning" they all share a look before laughing "ani where do you want to go" "New York" "ohh could we I miss Aunty E" MillieFlorence said excitedly "you have school maybe in the holidays" I answer "can Danny visit" Justin asks "he probably has school to but you can ask" "I miss Abby" "we can call them when we get home" I answer "what are we doing" jay asks "calling Danny and Abby" he nods "have you spoken to Olive" my dad asks "yeah the other day" I nod it was a few conversations before that we discussed the children. Josh was still super weird about me bringing up my brother, he was also weird with us in general. So I told Olive if it makes things easier I can come get Daniel and bring him back. Abby didn't have to know my kids or any of that. She however classed me as a sister and wanted her children to know me and our children to know each other. Her and Josh are apparently having problems most of which revolve around us Voights.

Loving Mother 💠[2] Delilah-Jo VoightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora