Chapter 29

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Meredith rubs her eyes, tiredly, shivering as well. She pulls her white doctor coat closer to her body in an attempt to feel warmer. She wishes she had a warm sweater on than just navy scrubs and a doctor coat.

Bailey eyes her former intern and sees her shivering violently with her teeth clattering. "Grey. Are you okay? Are your tics acting up?" Bailey knows Meredith is freezing because of her tics, as it is currently a bright, sunny day and not cold at all inside the hospital.

"I'm just tired. And that's making my tics start to flare up." Meredith says, trying hard not to let her stuttering start up.

"Go home Grey. Get some rest with that family of yours. I'm glad you finally have everything that you wanted in life. And you have honestly done so well in the years since everything happened. Get some rest before you have a full blown tic attack." Bailey says.

"Okay. Thank you Bailey. It'll be good to just rest with Derek and Taylor. She'll be happy I'm home early. So will Rosie. See you tomorrow Bailey. Have a good night."

Meredith walks to the attendings lounge and changes out of her navy scrubs and back into her street clothes. She pulls out her phone to send Derek a text that she's on her way but then decides just to surprise her family and puts her phone away.


Meredith pulls into her driveway and parks the car. She gets out and walks up to the front door.

"Mama! We hidin from Daddy! Hide wit us!" Four year old Taylor whispers loudly to her mom when she sees her walk into the house. Rosie, their one year old golden retriever is hiding with Taylor. Taylor's choice of hiding spot is under the table.

Meredith quickly kneels down and crawls under the table to hide with her daughter. "Hi baby girl. Hi My puppy." Rosie is giving Meredith tons of slobbery kisses, making Taylor giggle.

"Mama, Rosie, giving you kisses!" Taylor whispers loudly.

"She is. Shh, I hear your dad coming." Meredith says softly.

"Taylor, come out, come out wherever you are! I'm gonna find you! And give you tons of hugs and kisses when I do!" Derek yells out, searching for his young daughter.

Taylor giggles again.

"I hear giggles. I'm close! Where could you be?" Derek scratches his chin and pretends to think. "Hmm I know how to find you. Rosie, come girl!"

Rosie all of a sudden goes running out from under the table towards Derek.

"Good girl Rosie. Good girl!" Derek laughs.

"T-That's cheating a-and you k-know it!" Meredith says, crawling out from under the table, followed by Taylor.

"Yeah, Daddy! Tat's cheatin!" Taylor pouts.

"Mer! What are you doing home so early?" Derek asks, with a big grin on his face. "You seem tired." He notices the couple of stutters she just lets out and realizes why they happened and also why she came home from work early.

"Yeah, Bailey noticed how tired I am and told me to go home. I couldn't argue with her so here I am. Surprise!" Meredith says.

Meredith feels a tug on her shirt. "Mama, up!"

Meredith picks up her little girl and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "How was your day, my little princess?"

"Good! Me and Daddy played! Rosie played too! And guess what!"

"What sweetie?" Meredith said, walking with Taylor on her hip towards the couch. Derek and Rosie following also.

"Daddy tolds me a secwet today!" Taylor says excitedly.

"Derek..." Meredith says, eying her husband. "I thought w-we were going to w-wait."

"Mama! Wanna hears the secwet?!" Taylor yells impatiently.

"Sure baby." Meredith says, already knowing what the secret is.

"I'm gonna be a big sister!!!" Taylor says excitedly.

"Y-You are! Won't that be n-nice?" Meredith says, smiling. "Didn't Daddy tell you the best secret?"

"The bestest, bestest secwet!" Taylor says. "Bestest, bestest, bestest!"

Derek blushes. "Sorry, the stuffed animal that we bought that said 'baby's first' on it arrived today. I opened it in front of her, not realizing what it was and she thought it was hers. And I had to tell her because she was confused why it wasn't hers."

"It's okay. She w-would find out s-soon anyways." Meredith says, giving Derek a kiss.

"Go get some sleep Mer. We'll be fine down here." Derek says, wanting her to get the rest she needs before she gets more tics.

"Okay. I love you all." Meredith says, with her hand on her stomach.


And , that's it! We hope you enjoyed! Thanks to me co-writer nkgreysanatomy

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