Chapter 20

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TW suicidal

Phew, I convinced them that I'm fine. Again. Even though I'm far from being fine. But they don't need to know that. Well, they can know when I'm successful. I won't be able to get in trouble at that point.

A nurse walks into Meredith's room holding two little cups. "Meredith, here is your first dose of the medicine that Dr Wyatt prescribed you." The nurse hands her the two little cups.

"T-this MEOW i-is to s-stop my t-tics? Santa's coming!"

You just keep embarrassing yourself. And it's not even December! I hate this so much! I hate my life!

"Yes , this will help to stop your tics. It will allow you to suppress them easier. It won't work immediately as I'm sure you are aware. But give it some time and it will start working."  The nurse says.

Meredith hears everything the nurse said except for her last two sentences about how the meds will take some time for them to get into her system before they start working. All she hears is that this medicine will completely stop her tics.

Meredith puts the pills in her mouth and washes them down with the water that the nurse gives her.

"Thank you Meredith." The nurse says and takes the two cups.

"Just so you are aware Meredith, you will be receiving this medication twice a day. It'll take a week or so before it starts to work." The nurse then leaves the room.

No, it's going to work quicker than that. It has to. If my life has even a chance at improving then it needs to work asap. But who am I kidding? My life will never improve.

Meredith closes her eyes and decides to sleep the day away, only waking up for meals and her meds.

The next day arrives and Meredith's nurse from the day before is back. "Good morning Meredith! Here is your medication sweetie."

Why are you so cheerful? There's nothing to be cheerful about.

She gives the medicine to Meredith who swallows it quickly.

"I will be back in after your lunch to take you for some new scans. Your doctor has requested we take you for a CT scan as it's been a little while since your last one." She then leaves the room.

These meds haven't started working yet!  This is already my third dose and my tics are still here! That's not okay. Dr Wyatt said they would get rid of my tics! Of course she would lie to me.

A few hours later the same nurse comes back into Meredith's room with a wheelchair. "Meredith, I'm here to take you for your CT scan. Can you come and sit in this wheelchair for me please?"

"I-I can MEOW w-walk."

The nurse shakes her head. "No, I need you in this wheelchair please."

Meredith sighs and gives in. She gets out of bed and into the wheelchair.

The nurse pushes Meredith to the CT scanner where Dr Nelson is waiting for them.

"Hello Dr Grey. I hope you've been feeling okay up there in psych."


"I-I'm *tut* f-fine Shadow Shepherd."

Why did I say Shadow Shepherd?! He's not supposed to know we call him that.

Dr Nelson doesn't say anything about her calling him Shadow Shepherd. "Can I have you come lay down on this table for me please?"

Meredith reluctantly gets up and lays down onto the table connected to the CT machine.

"Okay Meredith, remember you need to stay very still for the entire time you're in the machine." He tells her.

She nods in response.

"I'm going to go next door now with Nurse Anne." They both walk next door and he starts the scanner which automatically pulls her into it when it starts.

As the machine scans, Meredith is trying to be still in the CT machine but with her tics it's very hard. She's doing everything she can to not move though. Luckily Dr Nelson hasn't said anything so it must not have affected the scans too much.

Unfortunately with her trying to suppress her tics it only makes them worse the longer she suppresses them.

All of a sudden Meredith starts clawing at her skin making little cuts on her body.

"Meredith. Please don't move." He doesn't know what she's doing in there but the machine is affected by her hands moving around.

Meredith doesn't listen and instead starts slapping herself violently. It hurts but she doesn't care. Her tics are telling her she has to do this.

"Meredith! You have to stay still. Please don't hit yourself!" To Nurse Anne he says, "We might have to sedate her if she can't stay still."

All of a sudden they see that Meredith has gotten out of the scanner by pushing her body towards the opening. They see her quickly sprint out of the room.

I've got to get out of here. I can't do this anymore. It'll be better for everyone if I'm no longer here.

Both Nurse Anne and Dr Nelson hurry out of the room and try to follow Meredith but she's had a head start and they don't know what way she went.

They look for her but have no luck finding her as unknown to them she has already escaped the hospital.

After ten minutes of searching they decide to need more help. "Call a code! We have an escaped psych patient!" Dr Nelson quickly tells Dr Bailey when he spots her down the hallway.

"We have a missing psych patient? Who?" Bailey asks, hoping he doesn't say Meredith Grey's name.

"Meredith Grey!" Dr Nelson tells her.

"Oh no, oh no. This is not good. What if she tries again?" Bailey thinks to herself.

We hope you enjoyed! Thanks to my co-writer natkat28

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