AKI: "Sorry."

AYUMU: *Giggle* "Don't sweat it. I invited you here to try and take your mind off things, but you're still stuck on Rina, huh?"

 I invited you here to try and take your mind off things, but you're still stuck on Rina, huh?"

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AKI: "Yeah..."

AYUMU: "Why did you ask her to give you some time to think about it? Usually you're so eager to help us..."

AKI: "I mean, she wants help with making a game, right? A GAME. You know...what I've always sucked at?
So, I'm not sure how much help I'd be, whether it be during the making process or managing the project.
You're the one who plays games, not me. I really don't know that much about them, and I've never really had the time to play them...
When it comes to school idol stuff, then I'm your man.
But something outside of that is beyond my specialty.

But something outside of that is beyond my specialty

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Ugh... That makes me sound like I have no life outside of this...
Rina really wants to do this, both for her fans and as a way to achieve her own dreams.
I am always willing to help you.
But I know when my contribution will only backfire.
Something that means this much to Rina, I am not prepared to sabotage with my involvement."

AYUMU: "I'm sure Rina understood all that when she asked you to help."

AKI: "My help is no good with something like this, I don't want to hold everyone back

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AKI: "My help is no good with something like this, I don't want to hold everyone back."

AYUMU: "Geez, Aki, that doesn't sound like you at all!"

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