1. Where Dreams Probably Go To Die.

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Your dreams are definitely going to die today.

Shayne hates that it's the first thing that comes to mind when he opens his eyes, morning sunlight filtering through his curtains, casting a warm glow on the cluttered studio apartment.

It takes every ounce of strength, a groan (maybe several groans), and the smell of coffee feet away before he finally rolls himself off of the pullout coach, pushing it back down into a sitting position when he does.

"Sleeping Beauty finally decide that it's showtime?"

The question comes from his roommate Max, who is tangled up in a blanket. Max is also seemingly half-awake, but pouring out two cups of coffee to make up for how ridiculous he looks.

Shayne stretches his limbs, attempting to shake off the rest of the sleep, as he meets Max's gaze with a half-hearted glare. "Oh, don't get all Prince Charming on me, bro. You know damn well that signing up for this gig was not my idea of a fairy tale."

Max chuckles, handing Shayne a steaming cup of coffee. "True, true. But hey, at least it's a stepping stone, right? Besides, who knows? Maybe you'll stumble upon some charming princess along the way. I mean there are eight of them right?"

Shayne rolls his eyes, taking a grateful sip of the coffee that instantly brings the rest of him to life. "Yeah, right, more like a parade of drama queens and self-proclaimed Instagram royalty."

Max's laughter fills the air as he settles onto the couch, facing Shayne. "Ah, the joys of reality television. It's like a train wreck you can't look away from. But you definitely won't be lacking some inspiration for that screenplay you're always going on about."

Shayne grumbles, taking another deep sip of his coffee. "Highly doubtful, these shows are more about scripted drama and manufactured emotions than genuine connections."

Just as Shayne finishes his sentence, his phone buzzes, it's a text. He glances at the screen to see a notification from his sister, Lily, who seems to have an uncanny ability to know exactly when to interrupt.

"What's Lily want now?" Max asks, clearly amused, but also bizarrely psychic. Shayne realizes, now that he's fully awake, that his roommate has dyed his hair from light brown to a deep blonde; but ignores that for now.

Shayne's face scrunches in annoyance as he reads the message aloud:

7:43 A.M.

Princess Cold Brew

Shayne, I need investors for the coffee shop! When are you going to stop chasing your fantasies and join the real world? I'll be there in five to chew you out. Love you.

Max raises an eyebrow, his grin widening. "Well, Lily doesn't beat around the bush, does she?"

Shayne sighs, tossing his phone onto the coffee table. "She's relentless. Thinks she's found the next big thing and wants me to jump on board."

Max's expression softens as he observes Shayne. "Look, buddy, I know it's tough. But you've got talent, and sometimes dreams take time to come true. Just don't let anyone push you into settling for something less than what you deserve."

Shayne smiles appreciatively, his frustration momentarily easing. "Thanks, Max. I appreciate the pep talk."

With a playful wink, Max nudges Shayne's shoulder. "Anytime, my friend. Now go on, conquer the world of dramatic 20-somethings. Your happy ever after is waiting."

Somehow, but not surprisingly, the coffee isn't enough to make him feel too optimistic about that. He sets the cup down and heads over to one of the tiny studio's closets to grab something to wear.

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