"What's going on?" Pansy's voice could be heard. 

"There's a cat under there!" a girl squealed. 

"Oh! Did she finally come back?!" Pansy squealed with delight before I felt two hands grab me. "It is you!" she squealed. 

"Mew," I purred as she placed me on the ground. 

"Let her wander, maybe her owner is a Slytherin and that's why she's here!" Pansy said with delight before going back to her usual seat next to--hang on, where's Draco? I walked under the couch and stayed in the shadows as Blaise and Theodore were talking. 

"I don't think the bloke has it in him..." Nott was shaking his head. 

"Draco can do it, I know he can," Blaise said confidently. 

"His parents' lives are on the line," Pansy mused, "he has to do it no matter what." 

"Is that where been he's off to?" Nott questioned. 

"Yeah...should be back late tonight," Blaise shrugged. 

The three fell into silence, from my spot I could feel the heat of the fire...it was so comforting....

There were footsteps coming, why is the common room so dark? Did I fall asleep? I shook off the groggy feeling and got out from my hiding spot, sitting in a chair away from me was Draco. I slowly walked up to him.

"Hello there," Draco muttered as he let his hand fall to the floor for me to sniff. Like a normal cat would. 


Draco let out a sigh, "where's your owner at? This is the second time I've seen you in here and you've never been around before," he mused. 

I jumped into his lap, sitting back and staring as he rubbed my head, "mew." 

Draco looked so tired and paler than usual. Even though he said for me to stay away...a part of me still thought that maybe we could talk and do work together, but now I did it all alone. Unless Ron or Harry asked for help. 

"I bet your family misses you," Draco mused. A frown on his face, "what I wouldn't give to have the easy life that you do...I bet you aren't forced to make huge decisions." I wanted to nod, to show any human trait just so he knew that I did, but I didn't. I'd ruin everything I've worked on.


Draco moved the bow around my neck slightly, "I bet you're that Lavender Brown girl's cat. This looks like her ribbon." Funny you should say that, because it is. I grinned to myself, it was Ginny's idea to take it. "Would you like to go back home?" 

"Mew!" I cried. 

Draco snorted, "I don't blame you....bet that girl makes you dress up." 

I huffed, "I'll let you out I suppose." 

I dug my claws into his thigh, I wanted him to talk more. Draco winced in pain but stroked my head. "alright alright!" he sat up a little straighter before reaching over for the Daily Prophet. "It's astounding how much the Prophet hides things....so many people are missing now, the best wand maker in London is now gone and more wizards go missing everyday, but most of the prophet doesn't mention any of it, " Draco muttered. 


Draco went into a fit of laughter, "I'm talking to a cat....I must be going insane...runs in the family I suppose." He scratched my neck absentmindedly. "I wish I could talk to someone..." I placed my paws on his chest, willing him to continue, letting him know that even as a cat, I can listen. "but the only person I can ever rely on is part of the Order. There's no possible way she'd ever speak to me again if she knew what I had to do...She'd run right to Dumbledore and let him know everything..." 

"Mew!" I pressed harder on his chest. 

Draco looked at me, studying me as he pet me, "I should get to bed...I'll let you out," he carried me to the door before placing me on the ground. "Good night little cat." 

"Mew." Draco smiled before the door closed behind me, I looked around for a source of time but quickly gave up, rushing to a nearby window I could see the moon--low in the West. Which meant that it was almost morning...


Today was the first trip to Hogsmeade, something I'd be more excited for if it weren't for a few things: Draco was now avoiding me and when I spied on him at night, he was looking rougher and rougher as time progressed. And the twins, although their letter had said not to contact them, I did. They sent a howler back at me....which revealed to Harry and the others that I had lied...now I was friendless. Even Ginny was a bit miffed, but she knew I needed her help so she was stuck with no choice but to help with my mission. 

But now that I was constantly seen alone, a few of the boys like Seamus and Cormac and even Zacharias found it easier to stick around longer--who was going to stop them now that I've alienated myself? 

But I had a plan, I hurried through the town until I made it to the Three Broomsticks looking around until I found the small bag of floo powder. I've seen a few wizards use the fireplace here, I found Rosmerta and gave her a bit of money for the powder before jumping into the fireplace. 

Diagon Alley wasn't packed, but the snow was thick as I trudged up to the alley at a run. I could see the shop, It was just as incredible as I'd pictured, from the window I could just make out George at the counter. I pushed all my fear down as I stepped into the store, a small bell chiming to let them know there was someone here. 

George stopped working when he saw me. He looked beyond pissed before jumping over the counter and rushing towards me in quick strides. The fear I'd pushed down came jumping up through me and I was frozen where I stood as George swooped in front of me, his gaze was blazing as he took me in. The typical look of admiration and compassion was replaced with anger, I pulled out my wand, noticing it shaking in my hand as he glared at me. 

"G-G-G-G-eorge, l-l-l-let me e-e-eexplain!" I yelped. This was such a very bad idea, such a horrible idea! Why was I so stupid?! 

George looked over his shoulder, possibly to see if Fred was around. "Fred! I'm going to the Leaky Cauldron to pick up our food!" He shouted before grabbing my arm and forcing me outside. "Bloody hell do you think you're doing here?" He growled. 

"I w-w-wanted to s-see you," I stuttered. 

"Didn't you get our letter?" 

"Yes, and I know you wrote it, George." 

"That doesn't matter. Now get out of here," George's voice was like a cold slap to the face. 

"I'm sorry! George, just-" 

"No. I don't want to hear it and neither does Fred," he turned to head into the warmth. "We meant what we said in that letter, Kayley."

"I have no one!" I cried out, "I've alienated myself so much that I'm all alone! and all I.....I can't do this! I've screwed up and I just want someone back in my life." 

He stopped walking, his back still to me as he stood there, "I'm sorry for screwing everything up. But it's hard! I'm scared and just stupid...but please! I want my best friends back..." 

George turned to me, I noticed a few tears had fallen on his cheeks. "You dug yourself into a mighty fine mess, Sorrin. Too bad that I'm not going to help you." 

"Please!" I shrieked out desperately. I was more than vulnerable, I was exposed as I stood there in the fresh snow.

But he was already gone. Just like everyone else in my life. I'm such an idiot. I clasped my chest as my heart began to tear itself apart, the air around me hurt as I gasped and fell to the ground. 

I never thought you could die from  a broken heart, when I lost my father...I just thought it was a heart attack. Now I know what he had felt.

 Was I going to die too?

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