This is wrong. I shouldn't drag him into a mess I can't even handle.

"I-I'm really ok—"

"You keep saying I'm okay and smile here and there...give me a break Sunoo. You're not okay, so stop lying and play pretend right in front of me. It's not working at all" despite his monotonous tone, I can still sense that he was really serious and somehow disappointed. Let's add the fact that he's currently so focused on uncapping a small bottle of medicine.

A loud bang hit my chest as soon as he leaned into me, causing me to flinch and pull away, afraid that he might hear how loud my heartbeat was.

I heard him click his tongue in annoyance before gently holding my chin in place so he can apply the medicine on my lip.

"Oww! C-Can you do it more gently?!"

"Sorry...hold still"

Oh My God.


He's too close...this should be illegal. MOM HELP!

I tried my very best to calm down and put my thoughts at rest when he already finished dabbing the cotton on my lip and started taking out a few packaging of reusable gel ice packs from the plastic bag before trailing his gaze once more to the bruises on my arms. It got too quiet so I decided to break the silence.

"How do you know the way to the pharmacy? Do you often come here?"

"I often visit Jake's place from time to time so I'm quite familiar here...Is this too cold for you?" I grabbed the ice pack from his hand when he nudged it in front of me like as if he wanted me to touch it.

"A little...but it's okay. I can manage" I assured but he took it back from me and ran inside the pharmacy, only to come out with a white towel wrapped around the ice pack. I could feel my blood rising up to my cheeks when he asked me to stretch my arms out so he can place the cold compress on my bruises.

I trailed my gaze from his beautiful deep raven eyes that complimented his perfectly carved eyebrows, down to his lips, forming a thin line that showed how focused he is on what he's doing and of course, those attractive beauty marks on his face that made me realize how ethereal he really was.

It was his beauty that entranced me the most from the very start but looking back, he was really nice. Yes, he likes to tease a lot but he's often very quiet too and doesn't really go around looking for trouble.

He's far too pretty to get involved with someone like me. I can't ruin him.

"U-Umm...I think that's enough...I can do it at home. My mom is probably waiting for me" I said as soon as I snapped back into reality. He looked at me before nodding his head in agreement and picking up my backpack from the bench.

"I can carry it"

"Your body probably hurts from taking all that punches. I can at least carry this" he retorted sarcastically making me roll my eyes.

"I kicked one of them okay?!" I fought but he just shook his head, trying to stifle a smile. I noticed how he was only wearing a light gray hoodie and a baggy pants as a pair. He was probably already at home when he received his sister's call and just came running after without thinking much.

Who could still even think straight when one of your loved one called you on the phone, crying their hearts out as they complain how they almost got killed and all that. At some point, Yeji and him are really the same...both of them likes to overreact.

"I can walk home from here...hyung"

"I'll take you home"

"What? No need, my house is right around the corner and I can handle myself—" I stopped my sentence when I saw him scoff and let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Tell that to my face next time with no bruises planted on your skin. Hurry up. Your mom is waiting" I rolled my eyes when he held both my shoulder and made me face the road, slightly pushing me to start walking.

"You're overreacting...hyung"

"And you're stubborn...doll"


I furrowed my brows when I caught a glimpse of figures outside my window which made curious so I had to open my curtain and see what was outside. I bit my bottom lip when I saw Sunghoon hyung waiving Sunoo goodbye after handing him his bag.

"He goes as far as taking my cousin home now..." I muttered which probably caught the attention of the other person in my room.

"I told you. He's been acting really weird around him" he said and even putting down his phone to look at me.

"Huh..." I replied before crossing my arms and started racking my memory about Sunghoon hyung's behavior towards my cousin.

"Let them be... they'll figure it out on their own. Why don't you come here and give me a hug instead?" He suggested, now opening his arms with a smile

"You're right" I gleefully replied before jumping at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I heard him grunt in pain. Despite it, he still managed to hug me back too.

"Yang Jungwon, since when were you this energetic?"

"Just for today, you should seize the moment Park Jongsaeeeeng—"

"It's Jay!"


Tell you what...I was giggling and smiling while writing this chapter lol.
Surprise! Another couple is revealed! Guess who's next? Or maybe there won't be another one...or maybe not...
Place your bets!

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and it was all yellow [sunsun√]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant