Chapter 6: Penitentiary of Megalomania

Start from the beginning

"Was it you then?" he spat.

"Nope..." Junko shrugged, "this is news to me too. But what would you do if it was?"

Haiji forced himself to relax, and instead just scoffed.

"Hmph...Guess it doesn't matter anyway," he said, "you'll be out of my hair soon enough."

"Everyone! Return to your classes for the day!" Jin commanded, "Ishimaru, go and grab Sakakura and Munakata."

"Yes sir!" Taka took off down the hallway, fast-walking so he didn't run in the halls. He didn't pay much attention to Makoto and Toko, who were hiding around the corner watching the spectacle.

"Hehehe! I knew it was a good idea to get you to write the calling card, Fukawa-san"  Makoto giggled to himself, "and putting it up on the bulletin board was a genius idea!"

"Let me say that from personal experience, pinning someone's embarrassing and shameful secrets to a bulletin board is guaranteed trauma." she cackled, not giving Makoto a chance to ask for more details.

"Your sister's artwork is impressive in it's own right. She's the one who designed the logo, yes?" Monomi poked her bunny-rabbit head out as she hid in Makoto's school bag, "does she study art?"

"No, just a hobby that she does in her free time," Makoto explained, "I'd say ask her yourself, but I doubt she would tell you."

"S-So..." Toko stammered, "did you get all the stuff we needed?"

"I have it all hidden away in my room," Makoto assured her, "I need to make a few last-minute preparations, but we're meeting Komaru tonight out back. Make sure you're ready."

"Trust me," Toko smirked, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

They quieted down, and Monomi poked her head back into the bag, as Mr Kirigiri and Towa both trudged past them, the latter looking distraught. He caught the two of them out of the corner of his eye, and scowled at them, recognizing them from the other day.

"I know you're behind this...!" he spat, "and I will personally thrust the both of you to hell for this...!"

Staring at his furious expression, Toko and Makoto's eyes widened, as for a second, they could see Towa's Shadow self staring at them, a smirk on his face.

"You think you can steal it?" he scowled, "try it...I dare you...!"

Welcome to TOWA Tower - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls



Returning to the Metaverse a day following Komaru's Persona awakening, the newfound team of Phantom Thieves once again stormed Towa's Prison, navigating the same hallways they had done yesterday, and continuing on from the Safe Room they had stopped at.

Following Monomi's map towards the tallest tower in the penitentiary, Monomi had come up with a (in her own words) "genius plan" to climb the tower without getting detected.

This "plan" in particular, involved something Monomi bestowed upon Makoto, that being a grappling hook. Using it, Makoto was able to swing himself around the tower, and through a window, avoiding being stopped by any guards that stood in front of the doors.

The PROBLEM with this strategy is that Monomi only had one grappling hook. In order to get the whole team inside, she, Komaru and Toko had to hold tightly onto Makoto as he grappled up the tower. Toko held onto his free arm and shoulder, Komaru grabbed tightly around his waist, and Monomi grappled his leg.

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