15 - the very first page

Start from the beginning

Mike rolls his eyes at the comment, not bothering to look up. "Okay, I'll be down soon" Ricky mumbles, hurrying up the stairs. 

"I can come with you" Mike says softly "the board meeting" 

"there's no need" she replies simply "Evan is in the neighborhood, he needed to discuss something, just tag along with him to the office" her tone is cold, he does not know what to say; so he obliges and she walks out. 


"Bye sweetheart" Lynne presses her hand to her son's shoulder; leaving him at the entrance of the Ambrose building. 8:17 his watch reads, he jogs up the staircase, entering room A-97. He's glad he isn't late, he's early actually; the class starts at 8:45. 

There's a few students in the room, mostly doing their own thing. He sits down, pulling out his file and reviewing the chapters they had covered in the past few weeks. AP History was a difficult class, the course was lengthy and tedious, their professor crude; it was also a rather demanding subject, several essays and tests a term, most taking up a decent percentage of their final grade. 

A majority of the class starts to come in five to ten minutes before class. He sees Nini walk in, backpack in her left hand, folder in the other. She's distracted, and has her earphones in; there are single person desks throughout the classroom, she sits down at the desk in front of him. 

Five minutes later, an elderly man, perhaps in his mid-sixties walks into the room. He's tall and quite pale, thinning grey hair on an almost completely bald head. He has a beige tweed suit on over a checkered vest and burgundy tie. There's a stark silence in the room as soon as he walks in, everyone sitting up straight.  "good morning students" he says coldly, picking up the file on his desk. 

"it seems we have a new student" he looks up, Nini smiles confidently, trying to not let her expression falter. "welcome to my class ms. Roberts, this is the study material from the last two week" a huge file hits her desk "i would suggest you borrow a classmates notes, they tend to be more detailed, have you understood that Ms. Roberts?"

"yes sir" she gulps "um- also sir, it's Salazar-Roberts"


"my name, sir"

He does not respond, merely walking away, it's demeaning but Nini stays quite. "There will be a pop quiz today, you will have until the end of the lesson, anyone below 90 will do an extra credit assignment" he passes papers around as everyone groans silently. 

Nini's leg bobs up and down, it's her first day in this class it's okay she tells herself it's multiple choice and im good at history she takes a deep breath. The bell rings an hour later, her nails dig into the side of her leg; she finished on time but couldn't re-check all the answers. A senior in the first row collects all the papers and returns them to Professor Finch; who walks out, dismissing the class. She sits in her seat a while longer. 

suddenly she feels a tug at her hair what the- 

Her hair comes loose, the ribbon no longer there. 

He stands up behind her, making no eye-contact, he slips a paper into her palm as he walks by and out the door. 


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