My mind was racing with so many thoughts and I almost squealed in excitement at my success as I kneeled next to the creature. I did feel a little sorry for the animal but I did what I had to in order to survive. It's the circle of life, all the same rules apply, even on an alien planet.

Sighing in relief I reached for my arrow. I can't believe I- my blood ran cold at the sight before me. 

Two? There's two arrows?

Pulling my hand away I stared at the second arrow like it was some kind of omen of death. Fresh blood oozed from the wound of the other shot showing that it wasn't some old injury I had missed.

The snap of a branch behind me grabbed my attention and quickly jumped to my feet and spun around. I stared in horror at the seven-foot native standing a mere few feet before me. His piercing silver eyes staring me down, I truly felt like a deer in headlights at that exact moment. 

The glint of moonlight reflecting off the blade of his tail was enough to get my blood pumping as he tilted his head. 

His stance was cautious and as soon as I turned around and saw him he had stopped in his tracks, eyeing me carefully.

His skin was so dark I'm sure that if he wasn't standing in the open right now I would never have even noticed him.

I had used charcoal dust to cover my skin so that I wouldn't stick out much and wore coverings that would cover most of my body so I could camouflage in the dark better but right now there was no chance of me hiding.

We were at a sort of standstill as he eyed me up and down once, his posture still cautious as if he were ready to pounce and rip out my throat at the slightest movement. 

Fuck kora fuck! I'm so fucking screwed, think, how do I get out of this?! He's already seen me. I can't hide, if I run he'll easily catch me!

What are the chances he won't immediately attack if I move? Probably very slim. He's out here to hunt and I just walked up on his prey ready to take it like it was my own, even though technically I did hunt it and planned this out for days but that probably doesn't matter to him, I'm between him and his food and a hungry animal does not like to share!

He continued to watch me silently and seemed to be thinking to himself, perhaps he hasn't decided whether to kill me or not? Maybe if I just back away he'll let me go?

I slowly took a few steps back and he kind of jerked forward, taking two steps closer. Shit ok nope he's not letting me go that easily. God he's probably thinking of ways to kill me! Wait, what if there's more of them?! 

I glanced around the dark treeline a bit scared by the idea of there being more of him that I couldn't see. 

"heilu" a deep voice spoke up, drawing my attention back to the native once more. His posture seemed to relax a little as he stood up straighter and dropped his bow to the ground. "heilu" he spoke again while looking down at me then glancing to the body.

His tail whipped around behind him and it almost looked like an angry cat's tail as they were prepping for a fight.

Shit does he want to fight me for the deer?! I remember reading a few notes in the notebook that natives often challenge and fight each other for stuff, usually without weapons, so does this count?! Is he going to try and fight me and the winner gets the food? There's no way I can fight this monster, I'd be completely screwed!

Taking note of his relaxed posture I realized this was my chance. I have to run and try to escape him. It should take him at least a second or two to realize I'm booking it out of here before he gives chase. And if i'm lucky he won't chase.

Crouching down to the ground I grabbed a handful of dirt slowly and he watched me curiously before taking another step closer and raising his arm. "heilu-" 

Chucking the dirt into his face and eyes he snarled and stumbled back, covering his face and I ran. 

He looked up, squinting with one good eye before shouting incoherent words. Adrenalin was pumping through my veins as I dodged and weaved through the forest, running as hard as I could. 

I could hear him shouting at me from close behind and realized he was chasing me. Fuck!

Changing direction slightly I ran towards the river. If I can get to that tunnel through the trees across the river then maybe I can lose him! 

I pushed myself to run harder and my body screamed in protest. I stumbled, nearly tripping over a branch as I ran through the dark of the forest until finally coming across the river. I found the shallow spot to cross and jumped on the rocks trying not to slip and crack my head open as I went.

As soon as my feet touched the gravel on the other side I looked back and saw the monster coming out of the treeline across the river. His eyes locked onto me and he angrily shouted at me before rushing to cross as well. 

Making a run for the tunnel I could see it just ahead of me and didn't look back as I heard some splashing from the native crossing the water. As I reached the tunnel I quickly crawled inside only to feel a large hand grab my ankle. "amisa kol heilu!" the native was practically laying on the ground unable to fit more than his head and one shoulder through the tunnel.

Panicked as he started pulling me back out I twisted onto my back and reeled my other leg before kicking him in the head. Unfortunately I only managed to hit him on the horn and not in his face like I had planned. But fortunately that was enough to make him let go and reel back some as he snarled and grabbed his head in pain.

Using that chance I made my way through the tunnel and out the other side I was a panting mess as I looked back at the thick tree roots hoping he wouldn't try to follow me any further.

I want nothing to do with the natives or anyone for that matter, I just want to be left alone…

 Being mindful of my steps I made my way back to my cave to hide for the rest of the night.

I hope that's the last I see of him…

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora