Has Alana decided to come see me here rather than the gardens?

Into the room slowly stepped Jaime Lannister. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as he carefully shut the door behind him. I grunt again as I place my hands into my pockets and stare him down. The golden lion hanging from a chain around his neck looks like the best thing to use to kill him. Twisting the golden chain until it cuts off his air supply and he drops to the floor with a blue and purple face. Oh how I'd love to see that.

"Lord Stark," Jaime smiled at me. "Not in the garden yet?"

"How did you-"

"Alana is my wife," He chuckled and ran his tongue on his bottom lip as he grinned and then raised his brows to taunt me. "May not be legal but... In every other way she is mine. So, you'll do your best to remember that I know all that goes on with her, boy."

Anger bubbled in my stomach and began to rise to my throat, burning the back of it until I swallowed down a cup of wine I had sitting on the table in my room. Praying that it would stay down long enough for me to beat the ever-living shit out of this Kingslayer.

Jaime crossed his arms and stared me down just as I was staring at him. "You should be grateful for me, boy. Had I not been so infatuated with Lady Alana for many of years now then you'd have been paraded naked and stoned in the streets of King's Landing if Robert found that bastard in her womb before I figured it out."

I said nothing. Just breathed deeply and felt my eyes narrowing at him. Gritting my teeth and biting my tongue. He's so fucking full of himself... What does Alana see in him? It boiled my blood hearing his voice. Hearing how he gloats and boasts about Alana like she is a war trophy.

"Nothing to say?" Jaime laughed and shook his head but the smile dropped and he clicked his tongue as he spoke. "If you really want to see Alana happy... You'll do what she's always begged for you to do. Be a fucking man instead of a green boy."

"How exactly would I do that?" I hissed at him and rolled my eyes. Trying to puff my chest out to seem bigger than him. To seem stronger and more powerful but fear struck me and I began to believe that Lannister was right... I'm no man... I'm just a green boy. I've never killed a man and I've never seen war. I've only swung my sword on animals in the forest to eat so Jon and I wouldn't starve but even then... We mainly went to inns and had our food made for us. Growing up in a castle as a young Lord did nothing for me...

"Marry her." Jaime shrugged. "You need to make things right with your father and your soon to be step mother... Aye, I see that look on your face. Like all your joy just turned to ash in your mouth when I spoke those words. I understand, Robb. I do. But Cersei is going to marry your father and Jon will be the heir to the Iron Throne so long as Ned usurps the throne and to my knowledge from what my brother has written to me... He has...."

"Jon will be King after my father?" I raised a brow in disgust and confusion. "He's a bastard-"

"Ned Stark is the King now and can naturalize Jon the eldest child between he and Cersei, his soon to be wife. They may throw a big wedding but they may just do something small. I don't know... But what I do know is that there is no more having to hide from Robert so all you need to do is be honest, boy." Jaime replied.

"What if I don't wish to bend the knee to my Kingslayer of a father?" I let the words slip off my tongue as an insult to the original Kingslayer who stood before me. I could see that the words were like knives in the chest to him. "What if I think I'd be a better king?"

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now