Whatever She Wants.

Start from the beginning


There's nothing Anne enjoys more than flying. She took to Merax's back when she was ten, older than her mother but still young enough for it to be a great achievement. Merax is still yet to warm to Sunfyre or Aegon but had seemed thrilled with the prospect of the life growing in her stomach as he now greets her by nustling his snout against the barely there swell of her bump as she enters her fifth month of pregnancy.

They land on the black beaches of Dragonstone. Its not long before Vermax comes to greet Annerys and her mount. The two dragons are as close to twins as dragons can be having been born of the same clutch of eggs layed by Syrax.

Anne approaches the green dragon with an outstretched hand. As Aegon calls out "What are you doing? Get back."

Anne chooses to ignore her husband in favour of pushing her forehead against the warm scales of her own twin's dragon. "Hello, girl." Anne says gently. Annerys and Jacaerys had refused to be parted as babes and had therefore shared a cradle which meant that their dragon eggs had been placed at the bottom of their shared cradle. So they had both been there when their dragons had hatched. There's no other dragon not claimed by herself that Annerys would think of being so familiar with but there is no danger for her where her brother's dragon is concerned.

Merax screeches from behind Annerys as a 'hello' to Vermax which she responds in kind to. Anne steps back slightly as Vermax uses her legs to push off the ground and take to the sky, almost skimming Anne's head as she ascends. Merax follows closely behind and the two play in the sky emitting joyful chirps from the sky.


As they begin their ascent up high onto the mountain that the keeps rests up Aegon suddenly pushes Anne up against the stone fence of the staircase.

"What are you doing?" Anne asks mithfully.  

"Enjoying your company." Aegon tells her against her lips before pressing a chaste kiss upon them.

"We have places to be people to see." Annerys jokes.

"They'll wait." He says as he rubs circle with his thumbs against her waist where he tightly holds on to her. It's a bruising pressure that Anne enjoys and its a feeling that she had missed.

She likes Aegon like this.

He's odd sometimes he's so unclear on what he wants it's like untangling a little gold chain trying to figure out what he's thinking. Sometimes it seems like an entirely pointless exercise. Nut Anne has come to realise that she just has to wait for him to want to share what he's thinking with her. Any attempt at forcing understanding him is both maddening and utterly useless.

Then sometimes he looks at her and she understands completely what he wants from her and she adores it. There are so few people in her life that are easy to understand or just admit what it is that they want from her. But sometimes Aegon will stand in front of her and she just knows what he wants. It's so often tangled up with sex but Anne's sure that's not all it is. She thinks it's because it's just something he knows how to do well. Like it's the only thing he has to offer her but that's not true. He only ever tries to be close to her when they have sex but Anne looks at him when they're finished with their coupling and he looks at her like he needs her.

Anne pushes his face away from hers and looks into his eyes whilst her hands maintain their tight grip on his face. "I'm not going to leave your side. Alright. Just reach out and there I'll be."

"Alright." He accepts. "No harm in a quick fuck though."

"You're incorrigible." Anne admonishes.

"You say that as though it's a bad thing." he retorts playfully before he pulls one of her hands that had been holding his face and places it against the bulge in his trousers.

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