chapter 6

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I  can't believe he actually betrayed us.

I met Alejandro, my grandfather when I was 4. I know him my entire life, even though he wasn't always in the picture, he helped me get past my trauma.

I take a better look at the picture, the fire steaming and burning behind me preventing me from looking.

I forgot there was a fire behind me.
The shock Alejandro gave me was unbelievable, I love him dearly to be calling him a traitor.  There must be a story behind this.

I take a deep breath before I turn around, hoping the fire isn't too close or too big so it can prevent me from jumping through the window.

As I turn around, I spot a old ladder.
Its paint is dripling from the hot air and it looks like it could break in a second. I put the picture in my pocket, crumbling it a little, I step up on random things hoping it would get me higher to the ladder.

Thankfully It did. I pick up the ladder slowly, not dropping it and smashing the window and theadder going through it. The ladder stops on the 2nd floor.

The fire is burning my skin and my eyes feel like they are gonna explode.
With shaking hands, I climb up to the window, even if I fall, there is a second roof coming from the balcony on the 2nd floor. I slowly put my leg on the wood and my other following it.

After a minute, I felt the hard concrete, by the time I got to the ground, the attic was on fire, completely. I look around, not seeing anyone. Thank God.

I sigh as I ran to my car as fast as I can and drove off. It's 7pm and honestly I don't feel like confronting my grandpa right now, might as well go on a race.

I drove off to the highway. It's 01:2am right now, and I have a burst of energy all of a sudden.

I have someone's blood on me, im smelling like a skunk and my skin is still burning. I can still feel the hot air burning on my skin. There's no way that this was worse than what Rio went through.

Rio killed so many people because of my dad, and sacrificed his own life because of him. Just because he's the oldest doesn't mean he has to protect all of his other brothers.

Rio is the oldest, then comes Sergiò, then my dad Luis and Enzo.

Enzo isn't in the picture all the time.
He chose peace and he never even was interested in the mafia thing.

Neither was Rio but since he's the oldest he needed to become the Don of the Italian Mafia, he somehow managed to make my father the Don.
Not sure how he managed to convince the Mafia king, Ares.

Ares is Greek, of course, and he rules every single Mafia, and I despise him.
By the rumors, I heard he's a total jerk and uses women for sex. He's also a 50 year old guy and loves minors. Ew.

In 3 weeks will be the 3rd ball, and the Russians will be making it.

Every year, there are 5 balls. Each one of them represent every most powerful Mafia. The Greeks, the Russians, the Italians, the Mexicans and the Austrians.

The 5th and final ball will represent the most powerful Mafia, the Mafia from where the Mafia king comes.

The first one were the Austrians, second the Mexicans, third will be Russian, fourth Italians and the fifth Greeks.

The thought of the ball, made me question when will I go back and I  haven't reached out to my father. Who cares, like he gives a fuck.

I speed up as I see the giant crowd, the cat sweetly purring as I drift into the corner of the street.

Andrè's gtr r36 never drifted so beautifully, not when he drifts of course.

The car stops, as I open the car door I hear everyone gasping and immediately whisper.

I lean on the hood, my outfit making everything baddass even more.

"Kasia what the fuck are you doing here" an oddly familiar accent says.
I turn around, just to meet the pale green eyes, I never thought I would meet again.

"Not you again" I look away wincing and dramatically sighing, hoping to hurt him a little, to my suprise it didn't hurt.

"You really have to be everywhere, huh?" He smiles with a smirk following his face, slowly approaching me, "you look like shit, sweetheart, but since it's been a year, I won't be bugging you, for now" he whispers in my ear as I look him in the eyes as he slowly backs up smiling. Gosh I hate him.

"I came here to beat the DK", I say going up to him slowly. "Where is he?", I say popping my gum.

"You're talking to him, sweetheart"
He says smirking, gosh I hate his smirk, it looks so hot on him but since he's he's dickhead it doesn't suit him.

Just the thought of him drifting, and sweating and all of that makes me act up. Shut up, Kasia. You're here because of money.

"I need the money, Silas. Lets get this over with. I'm tired" I say wincing as my head hurts. I have headaches all the time.

Silas is the son of Blake Anderson.
The American Mafia. They are powerful. Just not in the top 5, they're 6th on the list and currently in a war with Austria over the 5th and final place. Whoever wins, gets to organize the ball next year, and will be the 5th most powerful Mafia.

"10.000, deal?" He says with one of his  eyebrows up. "I dont have the money if I lose, Silas. " I say with my brows furrowed. "Do I look like I care?" He laughs as he gets in to the car.

This is going to be a nightmare.

               AUTHOR'S NOTE

HEY GUYS!!!!I'm so sorry for not posting, hope you like this chapter, tomorrow +2 chapters!!!!

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