chapter 2

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I make my way to my bed, getting out of the bathroom, but spotting someone sitting on my bed.

I can't really see who if is, it's dark, making me grip the towel around me so it doesn't fall as I stare in horror.

He was tall, and his body position is making me remember who it is.

"Gio!", I yell in relief, "what's going on?", I asked curious. I mean, he wouldn't be in my room late at night.
He should be with my father at the bar.

"Something happened.", he tells, coldly, i knew something happened, I felt it, his back is still facing me as he's looking out my window, finding some answers on how to tell me.

"Uncle Mario", he continues as my hearts sinks further and further below. "Apparently, he was in a a accident on his way back to the house, after your training" he says as his voice cracks because of the pain he felt.

My heart sunk beneath my feet.

"What?! Where is he now? Is he okay?" I ask, by the time he answers I will already be throwing and breaking things.

"We don't know yet, we're trying to figure out" he says as he turns around to face me, and loudly sighs.

"I'm so sorry, my love, he's dead"

I look at him in confusion as tears start forming in my eyes. I shake my head no, not believing him.
This must be some kind of joke, right?

"No..", I whisper-yell, my hand makes its way to my mouth, covering a sob that's about to come out.

I quickly go into the bathroom, sliding on the door with my head between my hands.

I hear a knock on the door.
"Please, get dressed and come outside the house", he tells as he softly knock on the door making sure i heard.

I take my head in my hands, not admitting to myself that he's gone.

He's not gone.

Mar is not gone.

He's here.

At this point, my schizophrenia got worse. I could feel him, beside me, petting my head like he always did, reassuring me.

"Sia, look at me" I hear my imagination say.

"Sia, love" he says with a sad smile as I look at him. He has blood all over his clothes, hands, legs.. just overral, he's covered In blood, with a bullet through his chest.

"Why do you have a bullet through your chest, Mar?" I say as I choke on my words.

He looks at me, then smiles.

"Amor, I didn't have an accident, I was shot while I was driving", he smiles again, making me frown.

"Mar, please don't leave me, I can't do this without you. Who would shoot you, Mar, everyone loved you.", I say as I rest my head on his chest while being uncomfortable because I only have a towel on.

"Amor, you can do this, your the most bravest and strongest little girl I've ever seen. Don't let them get to you, love, you can do this, im here, I right here, I'll always be." He says hugging me tighter as I cry louder and tougher.

"Please, Mar, just talk to me, who killed you?", I say between sobs, "I need you, we haven't even watched the last episode of Pretty Little liars" I say as I laugh a little.

"I dont know who killed me, Sia, it was a black Rolls Royce. I suppose It was the Russians. But please, love, don't make me worried you'll get yourself killed, like I always do. Just know", he says as he slowly backs away from me. "I'll always be there, watching you, protecting you, and, loving you when no one else will".
He said his last words as he fades away.

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