chapter 3

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This is still a flashback 2 years ago!

REMINDER:This is still a flashback 2 years ago!

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The cold air bursts on my skin, getting goosebumps from the adrenaline.

All I can hear is the motor from my Yamaha R125. I love motorcycles.
They give me comfort and a feeling no one can give me. The helmet I'm wearing is protecting me more than my father will ever.

The feeling of loneliness suddenly hits me. I hate when that happens in the middle of my ride. It just makes me wanna crash on purpose. That wouldn't be a bad idea.

I clench my hands around the steering wheel as I feel the tears come in.

I can't believe he's gone.

I pull over and get off of my bike taking off my helmet getting more oxygen.

I'm having a panic attack.

Just great.

I stumble as I feel my breath getting heavier and heavier by the second.
My lungs are giving up slowly as I lay down on the side walk at the gas station on the highway.

My blurred vision sees people running up to me.
Technically a woman. A beautiful woman.

"Oh my God! Are you okay, beautiful?". The woman says checking my pulse. My pulse being completely fine. Her beautiful black hair bouncing as she moves, her ocean blue eyes looking at me in concern to see if I have any injuries. Her body position and her knowledge shows that she knows what she's doing.

There's something about her, that makes me wanna hug her and never let go. She's a stranger, I wouldn't do that, I don't even do psyhical touch unless its Rio. But he isn't here anymore, so I guess no psyhical touch for me.

Her existence and her aura is telling me she's a very good, hardworking person.

"I'm okay, just a little panic attack" I suddenly get my breath back, being able to talk to the beautiful woman.
She looks at me not believing me.

I put my hand on my chest from the pain, as I see her wince.

"Beauty, you need to come with me, I need to help you", she demands gently as she winces by my state.

I see her calling someone on the phone, and getting up.

"Beauty, stay here. The ambulance is coming really quick" she says worried.

I need to get out of here before they come.

They can't see my documents. Oh god.

I see her walk to the car, I took that as my chance to run.

I left my bike, I couldn't risk it.
The ambulance will eventually catch up to me knowing I ran away.

I run into the woods, my feet kicking the branches as I run faster and faster. After a minute, I see two paths and footprints. Those footprints seem like they haven't been here too long.
They go down the right path.

Someone is here. I can feel him.

I go and follow the footprints. My hand tightly secured around the gun on my waist.

I move slowly and quietly.

"Heyo, pretty girl", in a second I pull out my gun and turning around aming my gun at the man infront of me.

What's with everyone giving me compliments?

"Don't move" I say demanding. If he moves, I shoot. Pretty fun and easy.

He grins as I look at him in full anger.
Ready to shoot him. The man looks like he hasn't showered in weeks, maybe months, his dark hair falling on his forhead, making him creepier as he smiles at me. His olive skin being covered in dust and he smells terribly.

He moves slowly one step, making me move one step back as he laughs maniacally.

"Aw, too scared to shoot, little one? Come on. Shoot me." He says laughing and not believing me.

Reflexively I shoot him in the leg, almost immediately after his sentence was finished. Leaving him growning and scouling me as he falls on the floor.

"You little cunt!" He says hissing as I laugh.

"Who said I wouldn't shoot?", I say smiling and getting closer to him eyeing him down, "don't fucking underestimate me, got it?" I say clenching my teeth.

"Get the fuck away from me, psyhopath" he says covering his face in fear. "I'm not a psychopath unless you want me to be one, and you just did that" I say turning around and running leaving him there.

                  AUTHORS NOTE

This is a short one, I haven't been active really lately because of practice and school. I promise I'll be active more often in summer.
Hope you liked this chapter!!

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