chapter 4

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The forest wasn't so big as I expected.
I only walked for about 10 minutes until I ran into a little town. I live in

Thankfully, I have my money, my phone and a charger. I just need to find a hotel for some time. I don't wanna come back. Not after what happened and my family's reaction to it.

I roam around the streets as I find a 4 star hotel. Good enough. I get in and check in.

The woman behind the counter gave me the card with the room door and floor, 2nd floor, not so bad. I go into the elevator and make sure to take in the sights. I observe the rooms, the hall, the elevator and where the cameras are. As an assassin, you should always keep your eye on everything.

My dad has an iq of 121. He isn't average smart, but isn't above smart either. Average iq is 85 to 115.

My iq is 167. Its not even close to average, yet, I finished high school when i was 12, because of my intelligence.

The reason why im so smart is because I played a game with my dad, I still play it with him.

It's called name it. The game starts when a person says a noun, and the other person, particularly me, have to say everything you know about the item. It just reminded me of one of my favourite childhood memory's.

                Flashback 10 years ago

"Hey dad, can we play name it?", I say while jumping on the sofa next to him.
"Of course, Kass, hydrangeas", he says looking at me with wide eyes jokingly.

"Hydrangea flowers are produced from early spring to late autumn", I begin on full speed, letting him know that those flowers are still my favourite. "They are genus of more than a 75 species of flowering plants native to Asia and America. They can be either deciduous or evergreen. They represent gratitude, grace and beauty.
They derived from Greek and means 'water vessel'  in reference to the shape of its seed capsules, they're name other than hydrangeas is hortensia" i continue but he interrupts me.

"Good job, Kass, did you also know they attract death?" He asks with a smirk plasting on his face.

"Um, no, I didn't" I say as I look down in my lap in shame. "It's okay, Kass" he  says while caresses my head in his arms as I look at him.

"I want you to be a hortensia, beautiful like a flower, but so deadly" he says looking at me directly in my eyes.

"I promise you, father, I will" I say as he kisses the top of my head and smiles.

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