31. Understanding

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Since shortly after Christmas, with Lily's back to him in the Great Hall, Sev had caught the habit of looking at two other witches as he sat down. First, while he was doing it, through the heads, to Cecile, in case there were any urgent messages from the Gryffindors, and once he was sitting at the table and taking his time, because it would have been much riskier for her, to Lauren.

Even so, they used to coincide in the moment when they both exchanged their gazes, and if either of them stopped it, it meant that they should communicate. At first they did it with slight gestures like that first day, but since they were in the fir tree, Sev could already project his thought looking into her eyes.

That night he did. "Lauren, we should talk tonight if you can."

"Sure, we'll meet as always."

Never, ever, she refuses, he thought.

Since it was Friday, they had to wait a long time for everyone to fall asleep, they couldn't meet until almost two in the morning.

"I'm sorry, you must be exhausted. Tomorrow, taking advantage of the fact that they are going to Hogsmeade, I am going to prepare a good supply of potions, at least until Easter, and I will pass you your own vials."

"Thank you, Severus. And to think that before you didn't want to help me with the potions..."

They laughed. Since the night of the fir tree, she looks blissful. Maybe I'll screw it up by proposing Steed as partner to her, I'm going to disappoint her. Either way, I'll wait to get to know him better. Total, I'm going to see him again on Sunday. I'll start with the good news.

"This afternoon your 'dear' Steed has submitted me to a third degree," with an enigmatic smile.

She did not hide the look of expectation and contained joy on her face.

She already knows about the Guard, she pays attention to everything that happens at the House even if she doesn't read them, she is a real spy. And until now she hasn't said anything to me for not having my hopes up.'

"I'm in," Sev concluded out loud.


Sev was cracking up. "Lauren, the buzz can be heard."

"Wow... what a relief, Severus..."

"Well, well... according to them, I'm 'on trial'."

"Bah, but if they've already confessed to you that they train, they can't back down."

She's right... And even less if they have no choice but to show me where they do it. He smirked.

"Has he put too much pressure on you?" she asked him.

"Not at all, quite the opposite. Rather he has tried to warn me and help me almost from the beginning of the talk."

She nodded, understanding, and said, "He is a fantastic guy, he has a huge heart. As soon as he gets to know you better, he will accept you as one more, he knows how to judge and trusts his own judgment, he is above appearances."

Wow, he must have treated her very well, even if he did talk badly about her to Stevens. Maybe they met secretly, his friends found out somehow and he had to make the excuse that she was bothering him so he wouldn't confess that he was actually in love with her, an apparent supporter of Voldemort, and that's why they broke up. Jo... another impossible love.

The Year of the Revolution II. The Discovery of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now