21. Power

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They turned to each other, she grabbed him by his nape with her hands and launched into a long, deep kiss.

'I feel transported to the clouds.' He hugged her, tightening their bodies, and caressed her back, exploring every shape, every nook and cranny of her.

She broke the kiss to start biting his lips. He was fighting not to lose control, but she began to ask him, "Bite me... bite me..."

'Rays! Passionate and demanding lover! How true.' And he let himself be carried away, he ate her mouth with his teeth, with just enough force not to hurt her, and then he went down to her neck. 'Less low-cut than with her shirt, luckily.'

But the relief was short-lived, because she began to unbutton her pajamas and grab him by the nape of his neck, making him go lower and lower, to her collarbones. "Like this..." she told him.

He did not open his eyes. 'By the buttons she's undone, she must have all of her snowy chest visible.'

"Sev... how well you do it..."

He went back up her neck with kisses, until he reached her mouth again, kissing her again, intensely. 'Mistake.' Because now it was his pajama buttons that she undid, lingering, as she continued to kiss and bite him, and she didn't stop at the third. 'She has opened them all.'

He pulled away from her mouth.

"Now me..." she said.

'Another mistake.' She began to nibble down his neck as she reached under his pajamas to cling to his shoulders. 'She's going to take my shirt off like she told me. Not that.' He tensed. "Lily... no."

"Calm down... I just want to caress you... I'm not going to undress you..." she told him between bites and kisses. "Do you like it...? I'm doing it well...?"

'I am ecstatic.'

"I'm loving it..."

"I really like you..." clinging to his chest, running through it with intense caresses. "God...! What a body you have... thin and hard... how hot you are..."

Sev felt himself flush to the roots of his hair. 'I don't know if out of shame or excitement, because her hands are already running through my belly.' He took a deep breath and grabbed her wrist. 'Don't go down any further.'

She came back to level with him, he kept his eyes closed. She told him very sweetly, brushing a lock from his face with her free hand. "Sev... if you don't like something, tell me... I thought you did..."

He kept his eyes closed. "It's not that... it's that I like it too much."

She hugged him. "My love... then enjoy... lose control a bit... We won't do anything you don't want... just tell me... Did I go too far...? Do you want to leave it...? We have so little time... We don't know when we'll meet again..." Lily's tone was getting sadder.

'I'm a killjoy, I have to fix it.' He opened his eyes, Lily's gaze was tender and concerned. He nailed the black wells to her, hers changed, expectant.

"God, Sev... how you look at me..."

"I want you so much..."

"Well, here I am... do what you want to me..." She stretched out her neck, offering it to him as she narrowed her eyes and parted her lips.

He ran his gaze over all of her bare skin, choosing where to start. 'Her parted lips. Below the neckline appears a black border. Until there.'

The Year of the Revolution II. The Discovery of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now