26. Affinity

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Finally came Saturday, and sure enough, there was a strong blizzard. They'd meet at the edge of the Forest by the Lake, at the beginning of the path that Sev and Lily had taken that afternoon on the end of September, from where the castle could no longer be seen.

The girls arrived first, coming while the others were eating breakfast, and despite the Impervius and the heating spell - which Remus had discovered that night Lily showed it to him worked not only as a Disillusioner, but also as the umbrella, accompanying the wizard who conjure it - they ended up with wet cloaks, so they dedicated to trying to dry them while they waited for the boys.

Shortly after, Sev arrived, having hurriedly eaten his breakfast in order to stop by the kitchens and leave the castle before the crowds gathering for Hogsmeade.

By conjuring the Impervius to avoid getting wet, he was amazed to discover a new power. 'Not only the snowflakes do not reach me, but I have stopped feeling the strong wind, as if an oasis of calm had been created around me. I can master, to a certain extent, the elements.'

So he ran off. 'The girls must have been waiting for a while suffering the blizzard.' When he caught sight of them from afar, he already noticed that they were trying to dry their cloaks with their wands and as soon as he got there, without even greeting them, he cast the umbrella spell on them, and they immediately felt its effect.

"How did you do that, Sev?" was Lily's greeting.

"Here, you haven't had breakfast," it was his, taking out numerous food from the pockets of his cloak, which he put in the hands of both. "I'll explain it to you later, I'm going for Lupin." And he ran back retracing his steps.

Cecile was so amazed that didn't say anything. At last she spoke to Lily, "He has conjured up the blizzard... and has brought us breakfast... Is he always like this?"

Lily nodded, smiling.

"Now I understand that you are in love with him. How lucky you are, Lily, a treasure."


Meanwhile, Sev got Disillusioned at safe distance from the castle. He had to wait a while, as Remus stayed with the other three until they left through the passageway to the village. He saw the few people who went to Hogsmeade that day leave and shortly after the wolf, running to avoid getting wet.

Since there was no one else in sight, he advanced to meet him at a good pace, both of them meeting on the shore of the Lake. Remus was already holding out his hand despite being nearly drenched, but Sev just said, "Wait," and cast the spell on him.

"What have you done, Snape?"

"Come on, if someone else comes out we can be seen, I'll tell you on the way."

And preceding him they began to walk in absolute calm, without being reached by the wind or the snow, while he explained to him what he had just discovered.

They reached where the girls were, who were already dry and had eaten breakfast, and finally began to greet each other. Lily and Sev gave each other a brief kiss on the lips, while Cecile launched herself to give Remus one on his cheek, to which he was not able to reciprocate, embarrassed. Sev held out his hand, repeating the warm and firm grip of that night, and then he did the same with Cecile, but she, at the same time, also came to kiss him, to which he reciprocated.

They both told him that they were delighted to finally meet him in person. 'I feel invaded by a deep warmth and gratitude, this is friendship. I wish I had been Gryffindor.'

"Let's all dry Lupin together," he proposed to them. They did, while he also explained to the girls how he had conjured the blizzard, and in more detail, everything he had accomplished since he performed the ritual. "I hope that when you do it, it will work out for you too, but if it is not like that, we will look for your tree and return on your birthday or the equinox, when the tree is an oak and they abound in the Forest."

The Year of the Revolution II. The Discovery of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now