25. Doubts

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Another situation that was out of the norm occurred the following Monday in Arithmancy class. Sev had already verified since the arrival of the students a week before, that 'Ariel, as I had supposed, sits next to the girl who must be Steed's sister, since Steed is next to her, and Stevens does opposite them.'

In fact, throughout the week he harbored hopes of some movement on the part of his year-mate, which did not occur. 'The only thing that has gone out of the norm has been that they have not missed lunch on the weekend, as I observed that they did before Christmas. Ariel has told them everything, they have realized that he revealed too much information to me and they are hiding it. Buf... what a disaster, nothing to do about this part.'

So in a way it surprised him, a while after Professor Bolter gave them the problems for that day, which he was concentrating on, to feel a tapping on his shoulder. He turned to Stevens, who whispered to him, "Hey, Snape, can you do the last one?"

'I'm almost done with it, but I'm not going to force the issue by going back to sit with him like last time.' So he replied, "I'm working on it, when I'm done I'll pass it on to you." And he started to turn, but the other one grabbed him by his shoulder. He looked back at him. 'He seems a bit embarassed.'

Stevens told him, "If you don't mind... I would prefer that you explain it to me like the other time."

Sev smiled slightly at him. 'Perhaps the seed planted has just germinated.'

"Sure, Stevens." He collected all of his things, getting up from his seat to sit next to him. He explained to him what he had done about the problem and the other was doing it according to his instructions, this time Sev didn't hide anything anymore.

When they were done, he dared to go a little further. "Do you want me to check the others?" Stevens faced him, studying him, Sev trying to convey confidence with his gaze. 'Buf... snakes...'

"I'm sorry if I offended you, I just want to give you a hand."

"It's okay, Snape." He passed him the scroll with what he had made.

'He made a mistake in the easy one and he left the second halfway through, for good reason he didn't want to show it to me, it has made it clear that he asked me for help just to probe me out. But it would have been very strange to hand over the problems like that, he has been willing to commit himself to spend some time with me.'

He explained everything in detail, but at the same time tactfully so as not to insult him. 'We are going to have Outstanding on this assignment, so I am going to propose something else to him.' When the teacher gave them their homework for the next day, he told him, "If you want, I'll give you these too when I do them. It will be strange that you have made today's ones perfect and these are not," he said facing him, to allow the other to study him. 'How I wish he could read me.'

Finally Stevens admitted, "You're right, Snape. I will accept your help."

'Well... the seed has germinated.'

At the end of class, they left it together for the first time, and went to their house to leave their backpacks to go to lunch, then each one left by their side.

Sev did the problems on the lunch break, and inspired by Lauren's ploy to convey confidentiality, he put them into an envelope with no return address or addressee, which he left on Stevens' bed, drawing the curtains so the others couldn't see it.

'Since Lauren has told me that the snakes don't suspect anything because I avoid them, that's what I'll do from now on, avoid them as much as possible. I will no longer wait for them to go to or come from classes, and in the Common Room I will always stay in my corner. I will only keep my place in the Great Hall, because that would be a clear sign that I am cutting off all relations. Thus I will water the little germ.'

The Year of the Revolution II. The Discovery of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now