6. Trust

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The next morning, Saturday, Lily came downstairs just in time for the Library to open, hiding the envelope and the note on page 394. Over breakfast, she made two gestures. The first to Sev, an urgent 'message in Herbology' and the second, a nod to Remus.

Sev left the Hall almost immediately, 'Something's up,' so he could see the message while the Gryffindors were still at the table. He found the note and envelope, Lily's message read:

Read the note and go back to breakfast. Behind it comes a message from R. from yesterday. Don't worry, I'm making sure P. hasn't seen you leave. I'll confirm it when you come back in. Then go home and read the letter calmly.

He turned it.

We can't meet tomorrow to study, but we have to talk and it's better that they don't see us together. Go down to the Common Room tonight when everyone is asleep and Disillusion yourself if I'm not here yet. Don't worry, he hasn't caught you today and he still doesn't suspect where you're hiding, but he could. In addition, he can follow you without you seeing him.

'Booah! How can he follow us without us seeing him?' He quickly put the books away and walked up and down the aisle in case Potter was there, Disillusioned. But that didn't give him any security since he could already have left, so he went back to the Hall. On the way he was thinking, 'Lily is right about the wolf, he is taking a risk and they already distrust him.'

When he reached the Hall, he saw all the Gryffindors still sitting. Hopefully the glasses would not even have noticed that he had left. Sitting back down on his seat, he nodded to Lily, who winked at him. 'All in order, then. And the wolf is also looking at me.' So he nodded to Lupin too, who mirrored his nod. 'I just sealed a pact with the person who almost killed me less than a year ago.'

After breakfast Sev headed to the dungeons, going up to his bedroom to read Lily's letter. It started:

I love you so much Sev. I miss you all the time. Don't be scared by what I'm going to tell you, stay calm. P. has an invisibility cloak, so he can follow us without being seen.

Sev was alarmed. 'Booah! He could have followed us at any time. Why did I never think of that possibility? Because those cloaks are very rare. How did he get it?' He kept reading.

Don't worry, Remus has assured me that it was yesterday when he decided to start using it, but he didn't do it that afternoon. And also that they have never seen me go to the fifth floor.

'But they have seen me. Farewell to the Haven.'

Now I'm going to tell you in detail everything that happened last night. I looked him in the eye and got all the information I could, so I didn't hide anymore, you're going to have to trust my judgment. Don't worry, I didn't tell him about the H. or private things.

Don't be angry about some things I said to him. He told me much more. Trust must be mutual.

Next he read the transcript of the conversation between Lily and Remus.

'Ugh... Luckily I went down to dinner yesterday... What a couple of conspirators... They go out at night with the cloak, but it's very strange, like a blanket... They could have seen me at any time and I didn't see them... Are they looking for the Room of Requirement? Lily didn't ask him since when they've been doing it or how Potter got the cloak. They may have seen me move around the castle, even go to or come from the Haven and the wolf was not with them there... But if that had been the case, they would have done their best to hunt me down long before, even if he says that he keeps them away from there, even yesterday they would have appeared, when Potter began to suspect. So they haven't been doing it for a long time or I've just been lucky and they only saw me that one time.

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