24. Ally

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Sev posed, 'Shall I tell Lily? Parkinson gives me permission, it concerns her too and she would be much calmer knowing that I have an ally at home. Tonight it is my turn to write to her and I can bring it up in an extra message in the book of endemisms.

'I'm almost sure Lily is going to tell me to trust, as long as she doesn't know where the help is coming from, or maybe even then, but of course I won't betray Parkinson's secret, even with her. I'm ready to accept even if Lily doesn't confirm it. Anyway, if she can read me, what's the point of not meeting her? I have nothing to lose and much to gain.

'An ally in my own House and in a similar situation. Help from heaven, less than a week ago it occurred to me that I should learn Occlumency without knowing how.'

That night, along with the uncompromised letter to Lily, he copied Parkinson's message to her asking her to reply immediately if it was safe, and the next morning, he put it in the hidden book, remaining Disillusioned at the end of the corridor, to make sure no one else would find it, without going to breakfast.

'I don't know who will come here today for the usual letter, Remus, Cecile or Lily, because they take turns. But maybe when she doesn't see me in the Great Hall, she'll smell something's wrong and come herself.'

That's how it was, he saw her pass in front of the Herbology aisle. 'She surely will sit at the back of the Library to open the common letter as soon as possible.' Immediately she returned where he was. 'She's seen the thorny message code.' Lily took it out of the book and went back to her place.

'I'm staying. It seems that she is going to read it immediately and surely she will answer it, since I ask her to do it as soon as possible.' He saw her pass by after a minute. 'She's going to ask Pince for supplies.' And shortly after, she went back to their bench, with parchment, quill and inkwell in hand. 'She's going to respond.'

It didn't take long for her to return to the aisle. 'She has given me approval.' As she bent down to insert the message into the book, Sev, unseen, whispered to her, "Lily, I'm here. Do you have Potter under control?"

She gave a start of fright, but immediately controlled herself. 'I should have imagined it.'

"We do, Sev. Remus is with him." She got to her feet and turned to where she had heard his voice.

Sev undid his invisibility spell, took her by her wrist and pulled her close to him, casting it back along with the Muffliato.

"What a surprise!" she said, throwing herself into his arms.

"It's very urgent, I don't want to keep that person waiting, he's taking a risk for me."

"Sure, Sev, trust him. If you yourself believe him, I have nothing to say, you are the one who knows him."

"Do you understand that I can't tell you who he is?"

"Of course, honey, it's a very big secret, commiting himself like that for you. I'll tell you everything here," giving him the message that she was going to leave him in the book. "Give me a kiss."

They kissed hard, but briefly, in case anyone had seen Lily go into the aisle and not come out.

"Come on, we keep in touch. Also give me back the message so I can burn it."

"Sure, take it, Sev. See you soon, my love, good luck. Eat something in the kitchens, you haven't had breakfast."

"Don't worry, I'm going now, I love you."

The Year of the Revolution II. The Discovery of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now