Semi-final vs Sweden

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It’s Semi-final Day today. I’m actually confident in the team and believe that we can make the final.

The last 5 days have been good. Training has gone well but also I feel like me and Leah are moving forward. We have had a few more kisses and we have spent most of our free time together.

Leah left early this morning she had meetings with the coaches before breakfast.

I make my way down to the breakfast hall on my own. Only Beth is sitting at the table. I get my breakfast and join her. She looks up and says “So where’s your other half?”

I looked at her blankly and said “Who are you talking about?”

She said “Leah, You two have been joined at the hip lately”

“Beth, we share a room so we are going to spend a lot of time together. Like me and you did when we were roomies” I said.

“No it’s different. You don’t look at me they way you look at Leah” Beth said

“I don’t know what you mean” I replied

“Leah is the girl you like” she said

“Is that a question or a statement” I asked

“It’s a statement. Remember I’m one of your best friends. I know you and I know Leah. So out with it”

“Ok, Yes Leah is the girl that I like” I said.

“How long have you been together?” Beth asked

“We aren’t together Beth. Not yet anyway. We are seeing how things go, we have been on one date and had a couple of kisses but that’s it” I said

“Why didn’t either of you tell me?” Beth asked

“Because it’s early days and also because of Jordan. I know you was pulling for her and Leah to get back together” I said

“Yeah but only because I thought that’s what they both wanted” She said

“I don’t want Jordan to get hurt but what are we meant to do Beth”

She replied “You two really like each other don’t you”

“Yeah we do” I said.

“So why aren’t you together yet?” Beth asked

“Because Leah wants to clear things up with Jordan first but she wants to do it face to face” I said

Beth looked deep in thought then said “I should of listened to you. It’s my fault Jordan is going to get hurt”

“No Beth it’s not. Jordan cares about Leah. She would of got hurt anyway. It’s not nice but are we just meant to keep denying our feelings for each other to spare Jordan’s. That wouldn’t be fair on me or Leah” I said

“I know. I want you both to be happy. Your my people” Beth said

This made me laugh.

Neither one of us realised but Leah had walked in and came and sat next to me just as we were laughing. Leah said “What are you two talking about”

Beth replied “You”

Leah looked confused

I then said “She knows about us”

“Oh” she looked a bit disappointed

Beth saw the look so she said “I guessed. She didn’t tell me”

My phone then went off. It was a text. I retrieved it out of my pocket. The message was from my mum.

Mum- I’m sorry love but me and your dad won’t be at the game. We will be watching though. We will always support you. We love you sweetheart x

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now