Movie night

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I went to dinner and sat with Hannah Hampton. We were just talking about normal everyday things. As well as my club mate. Hannah is my flat mate. We have lived together since she joined Aston Villa from Birmingham. We get on really well.

After we finished dinner we went to the chill room. Hannah went and sat with Ellie Roebuck and Alex Greenwood. I went and sat with Beth, Lucy and Kiera.

It was around 6.45pm so we were waiting for the rest of the team and Leah to arrive. Lucy and Beth were messing about. They like to think that they are jokers and they were trying to see who was the funniest. I have to give it to them though they are both pretty funny. They had me and Kiera laughing.

Then they obviously got bored so started talking to us. Beth asked “So does anyone know if Leah is actually coming tonight”

I said “Yeah she text me earlier and said she would be here for 7 and to save her a seat”

“We already did that” Beth said

“I know that’s what I told her”

At bang on 7pm. Leah walked through the door. She came and sat on the bean bag we saved for her between me and Beth.

Everyone was ready so Beth went to turn the lights off. So I started the movie. We were watching Mamma Mia. I knew it was one of Leah’s favourite movies and the rest of the team would like it too.

About 30 minutes into the movie. Leah said that she was cold so I lifted the blanket up that I had over me so we could share. She then felt around for my hand and when she found it we laced our fingers together. We stayed like this for the rest of the movie.

When the movie finished. Lucy got up and turned the lights on. Me, Leah, Kiera and Lucy were chatting. Beth was texting on her phone. From the look on her face I thought she was up to something but I really didn’t want to know.

Then not long after Leah’s phone started ringing. She released her hand from mine and got her phone out of her pocket and I could see that it was Jordan calling her. She left the room to answer.

“My plan is in motion” Beth said

“What have you done” Kiera asked

“I got Jordan to call her. To cheer her up. I just know they will get back together”

I said “I thought you was going to talk to Leah first”

Beth said “yeah I decided not to”

I shook my head but Beth was adamant that she had done the right thing.

10 minutes later Leah came back into the room.

She looked at Beth and said “You had no right, You told her I want to get back with her”

“Not in those words but basically yeah” Beth said

“You had no right to butt into my life” Leah replied

Beth looked a bit taken aback. I knew she only had good intentions but Leah was mad so she was gonna let Beth have it.

“I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I thought that you and her were meant for each other” Beth said

Leah said “You know nothing Beth. You only see what you want to not what is actually going on”

Lucy said “come on Leah that’s a bit harsh”

“no, its not. This has nothing to do with you so why you getting involved” Leah said to Lucy

That’s when Kiera stepped in clearly not happy with the way her best friend had spoken to her girlfriend “Leah your out of order. It’s not Lucy’s fault. Maybe you need to go”

Leah looked around at all of us and turned and stormed out. I got up to follow and Kiera said “Where are you going”

I replied “I’m going to make sure she is ok”

Lucy said “Of course you are”

I looked at her and said “that’s not fair and you know it. It’s not like any of you are going to go is it?”

Kiera said “She’s the one in the wrong”

I replied “well partly” and I looked at Beth. “I know you was just trying to help but you should of spoken to her first like I told you to”

Beth nodded and said “I know”

I walked off to find Leah.

I opened the door to our room and saw her sitting on her bed.

I said “Hey”

She replied “Hey, why did you come back?” Her tone was quite harsh

So I said “Do you want me to go because I will”

She said “No I’m sorry. Please stay”

I went and sat on my bed “What happened with Jordan? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to but it has definitely gotten to you” I asked

“She said Beth called her and told her that I wanted to get back with her. She sounded so happy how could I tell her that I don’t and that there is someone else. I couldn’t do it over the phone”

“It would of been harsh over the phone” I understood.

“Beth shouldn’t of put me in this position in the first place”

“She was just trying to help. She loves you, your one of her best friends. Last time she saw you truly happy it was with Jordan so I can see why she would of assumed. And she doesn’t know about us”

“I know” she said. I could see she felt bad about the way she had spoken to Beth and Lucy.

“They will understand” I said

“I hope so” she got into bed. She looked tired I knew she had had a long day. I went to get into my bed and she said “Dani”

I looked at her and said “Yeah”

“Can you come cuddle with me please”

“Of course” I turned the light out and got into Leah’s bed.

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora