Match day -1

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It’s the 5th July 2022. The day before our euros journey starts. So far training has been going well. There seems to be a confidence throughout the whole team and we think that we actually have a chance to win the whole thing. This is showing in every single session that we have had since we arrived at the hotel.

I have just woken up it’s 7am. I’m lying awake scrolling through my phone. Trying not to wake a sleeping Leah who is in the bed next to mine. Apart from how messy Leah is I have been thankful that she has been my roommate. I feel like we are getting even closer. I didn’t actually think that that was possible after being in each other’s lives for so long.
Half an hour later Leah woke up. She sat up leaning against the head board. “Morning Dan” “morning sunshine, how you feeling”

“I’m a bit nervous but also excited. How about you” Leah asked.

“To be honest Leah I feel ready. I’ve worked for this my whole career. I can’t wait to get out on the pitch”

she smiled “you truly are something else. I know how your nerves are at the best of times and it comes to the biggest tournament of your life so far and you don’t have any”

“oh they are there, I’m just more excited than nervous” neither of us said anything for a minute or so. Then I said “I know I haven’t said it yet but I’m so proud of you. For becoming the captain and leading the team. You are an amazing player and I’m so happy that we get to do this together”

“Is this Dani Scott being soft. I never would have thought”

 “I’m serious Le”

“Hey, I know. I’m happy to. You know what I think of you. You deserve everything” Leah comes over to my bed and gives me a hug.

My heart always beats so much faster when Leah is around. I’ve been in love with her for as long as I can remember but she will never look at me in that way. We have been friends for too long.
We go down to breakfast with the girls. We sit at a table with Beth, Lucy, Kiera, Ella and Alessia. Everyone is talking about what tomorrow holds. There is a lot of excitement and some nerves around all of the players. I was quiet over breakfast. Couldn’t stop thinking about Leah and maybe telling her. I think that I will have to eventually or I will go crazy. I know that even if she doesn’t feel the same which I don’t think she does. At least I will get it off my chest. I know she will always care about me. Maybe I would talk to Lucy later about it. She always gives the best advice.

We had a light training session which went well. Then we were given free time for the rest of the day. I didn’t have much planned for the day. So I went back to the room to shower and change. Then most likely end up in the chill room relaxing with the others.

Leah walked into the room as I got out the shower. “Hey” she said she seemed a bit off to me. “Hey, what’s up”

“Nothing. Why?”

 “I know you Leah. You can talk to me”

“it’s just a bit overwhelming. I’m the captain now. I have a lot to do. There is lot on my shoulders”

“I get that but always remember that I’ve always got a shoulder for you to lean on if needed” I said

“Thanks, it means a lot” she said

“What you up to now” I asked half hoping she would be coming to the chill room

“Got some meetings to do and also a media thing” I think she saw the disappointment in my face.

“What about later? Maybe we could watch a movie. I’ll even let you pick” I asked hoping that would get her to agree.

“I’m sure I can fit that in. For you”

“Just let me know when your done and I’ll come back”

“Ok. I will see you later”

“Bye Leah”

It was around 5pm. I had been in the chill room for a couple of hours mostly playing fifa with Georgia, Ella and Alessia. We had a mini tournament and I obviously won none of them was much of a challenge really.
I was sitting in the corner on my phone. Really just hoping Leah would message soon but I hadn’t heard from her yet. Lucy came and sat next to me she could see that something was up “hey, what’s up mate” Lucy asked

“erm nothing” I replied

“This is me you’re talking to. One of your best friends. Tell me what’s going on”

“Just thinking about something”

“Let me guess. Something to do with Leah” she asked

“What do you mean” I asked in return to her question

“I know you like her. It’s obvious”

 “What?” I said

“Ok. It’s obvious to me. I don’t think anyone else knows”

I felt a bit relieved at this “shall I tell her”

“Do you think she feels the same” Lucy asked

“Truthfully, I don’t think so but I’ve been holding on to this for so long. I tell her everything. Surely, she should know this as well”

“I think you need to do what is best for you. If you feel like you have to tell her then do it. If you need to talk about anything then you know I’m always here”

I smiled “thanks Luce, you’re the best”

she replied “I know” we both laughed

At 6pm we all went to dinner. I sat with the same girls as earlier except Leah. I still hadn’t seen or heard off her.

I went back to the room soon after. Didn’t feel like chatting anymore. I got into a T-shirt and joggers, brushed my teeth and then got into bed.

I put the tv on. I wasn’t really watching it just looking I suppose.

The next thing I knew Leah was kissing my forehead. I must’ve dropped off to sleep.

I said “hey, what time is it?”

“It’s 10.30” she replied

“Wow and you’re only just getting back?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry” she said

“It doesn’t matter. Maybe you should get some sleep. You’ve had a busy day and we have a big game tomorrow” I said

“It does matter but your right. I am tired. Night Dani”

“night” I replied

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now