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I had just woken up, I was in a really good mood. Maybe it was the conversation that me and Leah had last night. After we told each other about our feelings we cuddled a bit then we both retired to our separate beds and went to sleep as we were both tired.

It wasn’t long before Leah woke up maybe ten minutes or so. She looked over at me and smiled she said “morning, you been awake long”

“morning beautiful, not really. What are the plans for today?” I asked

“We will do our recovery stuff. Then Sarina wants to go over the game tape from last night. Then a couple of meetings”

“You gonna have any free time today?” I asked

“Probably not until late afternoon” she smiled sympathetically at me knowing the hidden meaning behind the question.

Just as she said this I received a text, I looked down at my phone it was Beth

Beffy- fancy going for coffee later feel like I’ve hardly seen you

Dani- Yeah of course. I know what you mean I actually miss you

Beffy- AWWWWWW Dani I missssss you to. Will meet you downstairs after recovery

Dani- Can’t wait

I then went back to the conversation with Leah.

“Sorry was just Beth. We are gonna go for coffee after our recovery session later. She said she’s hardly seen me. I get it, its a little weird I’m so used to spending most of my time at camps with her”

Leah replied “sounds like fun. I feel like all I see is Sarina and the coaches” Leah then looked down a the floor.

I could see the sadness in her face. I knew she missed spending time with all the girls. “what about if we do a movie night tonight with all the girls then at least you can spend a bit of time with everyone. What if we say 7pm. You will be done by then right?”

She looked up at me with a smile “I would really like that. Thanks Dani”

“I will arrange it all. Maybe rope Beth in she loves stuff like that. All you have to do is get to the chill room for 7”

“I will do that” she said

We then both started getting ready for our days.

Leah actually came down and sat with us at breakfast. She didn’t really eat much but she joined in with the conversation and she seemed a bit more upbeat than she was earlier. After we had all finished eating, we went to do our recovery session. There wasn’t much just ice baths and light swimming which I always enjoyed. I went back to my room to shower and change so I could meet Beth.

We met by the reception area at 11am. When I got there Beth was already there leaning against a wall smiling at her phone. My guess was she was texting Viv. They had recently made things official between them even though they have been dating for months but Beth was happy and that’s all I cared about. She was my best friend. She looked up from her phone and saw me coming she had the biggest smile across her face which made me smile. She said “Come on Dani the coffee is waiting” which made us both laugh out loud.

It was only a ten-minute walk to the coffee shop. While we walked, she spoke about Viv and couldn’t stop smiling. We ordered our drinks to drink in as we wanted a proper catch up. She had a cappuccino and I had a Mocha. We collected our drinks and then went and sat at a table in the corner.

As we sat down, I said “I’m so happy for you. I’m glad you have Viv. I know things have been hard for you since finding out about your mum but you deserve happiness”

“Thanks Dani. I think we all do though. Do you like anyone?”

I replied “well there is someone, I have liked them for a while I’ve just been too scared to say anything”

Beth looked at me with an inquisitive look.

I said “I’m not sure if I’m quite ready to say anything yet. Its very early days and I don’t know if its going to go anywhere”

She said “I get that. Just know I’m here if you want to talk”

“Thanks Beth” I smiled at her.

We went on to talk about our families. I knew Beth was struggling deep down about her mum’s cancer and I was always there to listen to her.

After about an hour of that Beth said “oh” I looked and waited but she never said anything.

I then said “oh what?”

“We need to do something for Leah, she looks so stressed at the minute”

“I was actually talking to her earlier I said that we all do a movie night tonight. She’s missing spending time with everyone. I think it will be good for her. I told her around 7”

Beth smiled “great we will make arrangements”

She then sent a message on the lioness WhatsApp group. Everyone was up for it. After setting most things up she said “maybe I’ll text Jordan and get her to call Leah that might cheer her up”

“They aren’t together anymore, are they?” I asked

Beth replied “no but I know Jordan wants her back and I think they would be happy together again. What do you think?”

“I think your trying to play matchmaker but before you do maybe see where Leah’s head is at” I said

“That’s a good idea. I’ll talk to her tonight” Beth replied

I then said “We better get back and set up the chill out room for tonight”

“Yeah. Lets go” Beth said.

We set the room up with bean bags and blankets lay out so everyone would be comfortable.

Beth and I went to our separate rooms. We were only 2 rooms apart but it was still weird.

I got changed into some joggers and a hoodie I know that’s what everyone would be wearing.

I had a nap and woke at 6. I had a message off Leah. I took a deep breath before opening it as I thought that she was gonna bail again.

Leah- cant wait for later. I will defiantly be there at 7 but I wont be able to make dinner x

Dani- I’m looking forward to it. Please make sure that you eat something though x

Leah- I will I promise. Make sure you save me a seat next to you x

Dani- Its already reserved x

I couldn’t help but smile. I just hope Beth’s plan doesn’t get in the way of us.

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora