The first date

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The day after the Spain game we are all given the day off. Last night most of the girls celebrated hard into the early hours. As soon as we got back to the hotel I returned to my room and called my Mum and Dad. They were pleased for me but I could tell they were both struggling. I just wish that I could go home and give them a much needed hug.

I woke up at 8am. I told Leah to have a good time last night. She needed to let off some steam. She got back quite late so I’m not going to wake her up. I just sat up in bed scrolling through my phone. Leah had joined me in my bed when she got back last night so she started stirring as she felt me move. Leah opened her eyes and said “Morning”

I replied “Morning Le, Go back to sleep. It’s still early”

“I can’t I have plans for today” she said

“This early?” I asked

“I have a few things to do first but my plans do involve you”

“Oh, do they now. So, are you gonna tell me what they are?”

She let out a small laugh and said “Nah, You will find out later. But there is something I need to ask you” She said

I looked at her confused but didn’t say anything.

“Will you go on a date with me?” she asked.

I let out a small laugh of my own and said “Are you being serious?”

She said “yes 100%”

“Of course I will”

“Ok. So be ready for 12” she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and said “ok”

With that Leah got up, Showered and got ready for the day.

I had got myself showered and dressed. I was ready by 11.45 I was just waiting for Leah as she still wasn’t back. At bang on 12 Leah walked through the door and said “Are you ready”

I replied “Yeah, was just waiting for you”

“Come on then” she said while taking my hand.

We walked to the back of the resort holding hands. I was in shock. I couldn’t even talk.

We got to the lake, there was boats there. She turned and said to me “We are going on one of those boats”

“I was excited. I loved anything to do with water”

We got on one of the boats and was given life vests to put on which we did. We went and sat at the back where there was a cute little picnic laid out and 1 single red rose. Leah picked it up and gave it to me while saying “This is for you”

I replied “I can’t believe you did all of this”

“Why not” Leah asked me

“Its just so much” I said

“No, It’s everything you deserve” She looked at me and smiled

“I thought we wasn’t doing this till you talked to Jordan” I asked

She replied “You needed this and I wanted to do it for you”

“Your so sweet” I said

She smiled and said “I know”

I laughed at this.

We had a wonderful afternoon on the water. We talked and cuddled the whole time. It was the best first date I had ever been on.

The boat turned around to go back. The date was nearly over but I didn’t want it to be. Leah looked over at me and could tell I was disappointed. She said “Babe, this is the first. I promise we will have more”

I said “I know, I’ve just had a really good time” I was looking into her sparkling blue eyes.

“So have I” she said looking back into mine.

I couldn’t help myself I had to take my shot so I leaned in to kiss her and she kissed me back.

Her lips were soft on mine. It was our first kiss and I wanted so many more with her.

We both pulled away at the same time. She looked up at me and said “I’m glad that’s how this date ended”

I said “me to” and smiled at her.

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now