The phone call

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It had been 3 days since our win against Northern Ireland. Leah and I haven’t really seen each other she has been spending her free time with Beth and Kiera.

I have been spending my time with Hannah Hampton. Playing pool and Fifa. Talking about what the new season at club will be like. She knows that I’m hoping to get a move to another team in the WSL. I’ve been at Villa my whole playing career as much as I love it there, I need a new challenge.

It’s breakfast time. I’m sitting at a table with Lucy, Beth and Kiera. No one else is here yet. We are just chatting about Lucy’s new life in Spain. All the other girls slowly start to peel in. Our table fills up quite quickly. Leah is the last to join us. The only seat left is in-between me and Kiera and to my surprise Leah doesn’t even hesitate in sitting down. I get up to get another coffee but leave my phone on the table. While I’m pouring my phone starts to ring. Leah looks over at it then calls to me “Dani, Your Mum is calling you”

I leave the coffee and come back to grab my phone as it’s not like my mum to call so early in the morning. I actually end up missing the call. I leave the room as it’s quite loud in there and return the call to my mum. It rings 3 times before she picks up and says “Hi sweetheart, Sorry to call so early but I have something I need to tell you”

She actually sounds upset so I say “It’s ok Mum what’s happened”

There was a little bit of a pause then she replied “Your sister was in an accident in the early hours of this morning”

“Is she ok? What happened?” I asked

I could hear that my mum was struggling to get her words out. So, I said “Mum, Is Mya ok?”

“I’m sorry love but she didn’t make it. She died” she said quietly

“No no no no, what happened?” I asked again

“She was on her way home from work. She was in a car accident” she said

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it” I said “I’m gonna tell Sarina and I will come home”

My mum said “No Danielle, Mya would want you to carry on and play for her. She wouldn’t want you to give up on your dreams”

“But mum”

“I know it will be hard but you have to” My mum said back

“Ok, but make sure you call me if you need anything”

“I will sweetheart. Get back to your training”

“I love you Mum”

“I love you too, Bye Love”

“Bye” I put the phone down and just stood leaning against the wall in shock. She was my baby sister she was only 21.

I just did want my mum wanted I carried on as normal. I went back into the breakfast hall got my coffee and sat down. I was quiet. Not really listening to the conversation going on around me. I was just looking blankly at the table. Then Leah nudged me to get my attention and said “Dani”

I said “Hmmm”

“What’s wrong?” Leah asked. I felt like the whole table went quiet and was waiting for me to answer.

“Mya died early this morning. She was in a car accident” I could feel tears threatening to drop and apparently so could everyone else by the way they were looking at me. Leah put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her. This is when I completely broke down.

By the time I had somewhat composed myself only me and Leah were left in the breakfast hall.

I pulled away from her and she said “Come on, Lets go back to our room”

I said “But we have training”

Leah replied “Don’t worry about that. Lucy has told Arjan what’s happened”

“You need to go to training, your the captain” I said to her

“I’m not leaving you Dani, Now come on”

We got back to our room and I couldn’t even bring myself to change. I got into my bed with my training kit on. Leah got in with me. I put my head on her chest while she played with my hair. More tears started to fall.

“I can’t get my head around it Le, she was in the stands watching us play 3 days ago. Now she’s gone” I said

“I don’t know what to say. There are no words that will comfort you right now and I wish that I could take your pain away but I can’t. I don’t know what to do to help you” she said

“Just being here like this helps Le”

“I’m not going anywhere. I promise”

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now