Match day 1

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Today was our first match day of our home euros. We were up against Austria.
The morning started off a bit glum. Neither myself or Leah were in the mood to chat. We said morning but that was about it. I was a bit upset about yesterday still. Maybe that was radiating to Leah or maybe she was tired as her day was full on yesterday.
We had already had breakfast and we were getting ready to board the coach. I let everybody else get on first. I hadn’t actually asked anyone to be my seat mate but I’m thinking I just want to sit on my own and put my headphones in and get lost in my world. Everyone else was so upbeat I didn’t want to ruin it for anybody.
I got on the coach and luckily there was an empty seat at the front so I did exactly what I needed to do.
The whole journey I was looking out of the window and then I saw old Trafford come into view. I’d been here before but as a fan not as a player. Being at one of the top stadiums in the country I just felt so much pride not only for myself but for the country as well.

We got off the coach and walked to the home changing rooms. I put my stuff in my locker. With my number being 3 I was sandwiched between Lucy and Kiera. This would be fun I thought to myself. We then went out to inspect the pitch. I walked around with Beth. I knew she would help lift me not even by doing anything just by being herself.

By the time we got back to the changing room to change into our warm up kit my mood had already changed. Beth helped but I was also excited about the occasion.
As I was getting ready I looked over to Leah and I could see how stressed she was. I wish I could make things better but she’s barely spoken to me all day so I’ll just leave her be for now.

With the warm up complete. We go in to change into the match kit.

The starting line up is announced it is as follows
GK- Mary Earps
RB- Lucy Bronze
CB- Millie Bright
CB- Leah Williamson (c)
LB- Danielle Scott
DM- Kiera Walsh
CM- Georgia Stanway
CM- Fran Kirby
RW- Beth Mead
ST- Ellen White
LW- Lauren Hemp

Sarina gave us a pep talk and then asked Leah to say something. Leah isn’t really big on the motivation side but she inspires us all with her words.

She said ‘I’m proud of every single person in this team. We will go out there and give it our best. Let’s show the country what their lionesses can do. Let’s go team’

It wasn’t much but you could tell she meant every word.

We were in the tunnel. Leah looked up at me and then I thought how could I still be upset with this women. I had to try my best today for her and for me. We smiled at each other that’s all I needed to get me through this game.
We walked out. My family were sitting in the family section next to Leah’s and Beth’s families. I looked up and could see how proud they were of me for being here today.
We sang the national anthem with pride.

Then it was go time the whistle went. We struggled to get a hold of the game. Austria’s defence was working so hard and Zinsberger the goalkeeper was pulling off some great saves.

In the 16th minute Beth managed to lob the keeper. The ball went over the line we thought. An Austrian defender cleared the ball. We questioned this but within seconds the ref called a goal for us. We were up 1-0
The rest of the half went pretty much the same as before the goal. Then half time came. We went into the changing room. Sarina was happy that we were in front but we needed to be more clinical in front of goal.
We went out for the second half but we still couldn’t break their defence. I was up and down the wing the whole half trying to make something happen but the score line stayed the same.
We won 1-0. We shook hands with the opposition players and congratulated each other.

There was a lot of energy from everyone on the coach on the way back. A lot of singing and dancing going on and yes even I joined in. By the time we got back to the hotel I was ready to go to bed. Most of the girls had a lot of energy still to let out so they went to the chill room. I said my good nights to everyone and took myself off to bed.

Within ten minutes of being back in the room I was already in bed scrolling through Tik tok this had become the norm for me before bed. I had been in bed for half an hour when Leah came into the room.

“Still awake” she asked

“Yeah. Got caught up didn’t I” and showed her my phone

“Oh, I see”

“it’s too addictive” I said

“I know. I’m the same aren’t I”

“How come you’re not celebrating with the girls” I asked

“it’s been a long couple of days. I just wanted to chill out for a bit and also I wanted to see you”

“Me? Why?”

“I knew you was upset about yesterday”

I interrupted her “Leah it’s fine honestly, I know it wasn’t your fault. I know you would have tried”

“I did. And I am really sorry” I felt like she needed to talk so I just listened to her “I’ve needed to say something for a while but I’ve never really found the right time. I don’t know if this is it but I feel likes it’s eating away at me”

“Le, you can tell me anything. You know that”

“I like you Dani, I have for a long time. Last night just cemented how much. I knew that I hurt you and it broke my heart”

“Leah. Look at me” she looks up as this whole time she was looking at the floor. “You like me?” I said
“yeah for what feels like forever. I know that I was with Jordan for a while but it just never felt right. I know why now. It never felt right because she’s not you. After last night I have a hunch that maybe you feel the same way”

I took a deep breath and I told her how I felt “I do feel the same. I have since we were 15. I always wanted to tell you but I honestly just thought that I was just a friend to you. You get me through every day. I’m sorry I was so off with you this morning. I was hurt but I know you have a lot to do for this tournament and for the team”

she asked “what happens now”

I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know Le, what do you want to happen”

“I’d like to see where we go”

“I’d like that to”

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now