Chapter Twenty Two.) Knock Knock

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Yes, I know, you don't know who to ship Vanessa with anymore MOOHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Yes, I know, you don't know who to ship Vanessa with anymore MOOHAHAHAHAHAHA

Let's take a poll shall we?

Who do you ship the most:

#Kessa making you a #Kessanator

#Tylessa making you a #Tylessanator

#Vethan making you a #Vethanator

I'm currently a #Vethanator because Ethan is my new favorite character.


"What's wrong, cupcake?" Tyler questions when he sees me picking at my breakfast.


Tyler narrows his eyes at me. "Liar."

I give him the best smile I can manage. However, judging by the look on Tyler's face, he's not buying it.

"Come on, Vanessa," he nudges his shoulder with mine. "Tell me."

I sighed, but I didn't want to tell him about the thing with Keith. "I just miss my home, I guess," I said, which wasn't a lie. "I have a severe case of homesickness."

"Aww," Tyler pulls me in for a hug. I close my eyes as I rest my head on his chest. "It's okay, cupcake. This mission is almost over, and we're so close to getting James that you'll be home in no time."

Even though I know he's trying to cheer me up, I can detect a hint of a frown as he says the words.



I hear footsteps and open my eyes when I notice someone has entered the kitchen. Keith glances at us briefly, noting the way Tyler's arms are still wrapped around me, and his fists clench. He gets a water bottle from the refrigerator and retreats back to his bedroom without another word.

I sighed again.


"Okay, Vanessa, what did you do?"

I look up at Angela who is standing over me as I flip through the channels on the TV. "What are you talking about?" I mumble.

"Keith. What did you do to him?"

I frown. "What makes you think I've done anything?"

She rolls her eyes. "Because it's you."

Huh, true.

"And..." she seems uncomfortable as she hesitantly takes a seat next to me. "He's been acting weird ever since you two went to get the stuff from James. He's locked himself in his room and only comes out to use the restroom or to grab something to eat."

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