💔why?💔 (part 1)

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I'm making this like a mini story so there will be fluff, smut and angst

I just keep getting random ideas-

Anyways here:

TW: blood

Quackity POV:

Great. Schlatts invited me to hangout with him. I knew I'd be a blushing mess the whole time. Just something about him.. it.. it's so.. hot. I don't know if it's his laugh, his smile, his voice, his hair, his eyes, or just everything about him.

But I get butterflies whenever he tells me to go to his office or when he calls my name.

God I want him. I Need him in my life and inside of me.

I walked to his house in my suit I thought maybe he'd make fun of me for it. Which I knew by now he would. I knocked on his door. He opened it, he was without a shirt. And only in grey sweat pants. Fuck me he looks hot.

"Really? Your still in your suit? Damn. Am I that high of importance? I mean fair I'm the president but your only one roll below me. No need to dress up pumpkin." Schlatt Said as He let me in.

I knew he'd make fun of me for it. "And your without a shirt. Both us aren't really dressed for the occasion." I said in annoyance.

"Yeah but we're close aren't we?"


"Ok ok!! Jesus. Then come with me I'll go put a shirt on."

We went to his bedroom. "Jesus it's unorganized. Clean up in here Schlatt, Jesus Christ."

"Would you like to do it for me then Quackity?" He Said in a mocking tone. "Yes actually." I answered in a serious voice.

"Fine." I bent over, not aware of the eyes that were laser focused on my ass.

He smacked my ass, the sudden slap made me fall into doggy position. "Oh damn that's an even better view." He smacked my ass harder this time. I bit my lip as I tried so hard not to moan.

"Does the duck like that?" I stood up. "No I don't even know why you would even think about doing that." I said in annoyance and anger.

"Oh pumpkin~. Don't Play dumb with me. Cause that won't end well for those small legs of yours."

"EW. WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! WERE FRIENDS! THATS ALL WELL EVER BE!!!" I yelled at him. I hoped that would get him to leave me alone so I could keep questioning life.

"You sure? Cause with you failing to make eye contact and with your boner that I can very clearly see, I think your lying about how you truly feel about me."

"EWEWEWEWEW. IM JUST THINKING ABOUT WOMEN IM NO-" he kissed me, slamming me against the wall. I pushed him off. "I'm leaving. Fuck you man. I'm not interested. Especially not with you." I took my leave, shutting the door behind me.

Schlatt POV:

God I'm fucking stupid. Why did I do that? Why? You know he doesn't like you as much as you like him. DAMN. I smashed my head against the wall until my head started bleeding.

I deserved it.

I wiped the blood off my wall and grabbed a beer before letting my body fall onto the couch. I turned on the TV and just watched South Park. I opened the bottle and took a sip, it burned going down, as it should.

I heard a knock on my door, I chugged the rest of my bottle and answered it. "Oh hey Fundy. How can I help you?"

Time skip

I sat back down and looked at my phone, no texts from him. I fucked up. So badly. Why can't I just be normal for once? I could've asked him out on a date. But no I had to try and fuck him immediately.

I got a sickening feeling in my stomach. Then my phone got Quackitys text notification sound.


Pumpkin<3: hey Schlatt I think it's best for us to stop being friends. After what happened today.

Sch: yeah. Completely understandable. I just wanna apologize.

Pumpkin<3: mhm. Sure. Goodbye Jschlatt.

Sch: bye Quackity.

I put my phone down and just started sobbing.


Why after catching feelings for him?

We've had such a good friendship. And it's gone.

Quackity POV:

I felt guilty for doing that. I shouldn't have backed down. But I did. I don't know why. He always told me if I liked him he'd immediately get with me. I thought it was a joke. But that kiss seemed genuine.

And now I can't get him out of my head. I love him. I really do. Should I text him back? Tell him how I truly feel? No. Don't do that.

I mean, he always had me as 'Pumpkin' in his contacts. He always called me it. That or my actual name. Was there more signs?

Then I started realizing;

The flirty comments, the jealousy whenever I got a partner, the pet names, the comments on how pretty I'd look in a dress, the hugs, the cuddles. He never yelled at me when I made huge mistakes. He just said 'oh don't worry, I'll get it fixed pumpkin.' But that was never the case for coworkers. He'd yell at them. And loudly. I always admired how overprotective he was of me. But now I realize.. he cared for me. He wanted me to be safe. He hated anyone who was the slightest bit of rude to me.

I- I'm so stupid. I'm love blind as hell. Then my phone went off. Schlatt? What- why was he texting me?


Horns 🥰❤️: I know you probably hate me for doing what I did, but I love you Quackity. It's been the truth for so long. I thought you might've liked me as well. But I should've realized I'm no main character. And im definitely not Wilbur. I know you like him. I've known that. Go to him if you want. I know he likes you back. But he won't treat you as well as I planned on treating you. I'll always be here, waiting, with open arms. I may be drunk right now but you and I both know that I'm an honest drunk. This is the most honest I'll ever be. I won't give up hope that you feel the same way. I know you probably don't. And never will, you've made that very clear. I should've known that your just touchy with your friends. And I'm sorry I took it all the wrong way. I'm sorry for ever thinking I was good enough for you. I'm an anger issues, alcoholic piece of shit. And your too perfect to be with me. Your eyes, hair, smile, lips, face, ears, nose, legs, arms, style. Everything. It's all to perfect. Even the stuff you think isn't good. The stuff your insecure about are my favourite parts. Especially your thighs. Yes they could crush my head, but I love them for that. If you ever want me, just come over without saying anything. I'll be here, waiting. But I'll probably die before you do that.


I stared at the message, reading it over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. He- he actually loves me. It wasn't a dream. I wasn't being delusional!!

I'll go over in the morning.

Time skip brought to you by R3dBurg 💛💬

Get fucked on a cliffhanger, I'll make a part 2 dw

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