Bone crushing hug

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Jungkook reached DA Enterprises a little before six and to say that he was relieved was an understatement because Jimin would've killed him with his taunts had he been late. He called Jimin after reaching the lobby.

"Jimin-shi! Where are you? I've been waiting for you for the past fifteen minutes. Where is your punctuality huh?" Jungkook said clearly lying through his teeth.

Jimin who was watching the CCTV footage of the lobby to pass his time while waiting for Jungkook rolled his eyes in annoyance at his best friend's little act and said, "Kookiiee! My babbyy! Do you think I am dumb? How dare you try to fool me you little punk! Your lie has been caught. I was watching the CCTV footage of the lobby for the past fifteen minutes."

"Aishh! You win. Now come downstairs as fast as you can on your little chicken legs." Jungkook said, doing everything he could to get on his best friend's nerves.

"You. Come. Upstairs. To the CEO's office. The receptionist will give you the key card" Jimin replied.

"Roger that captain!" With that Jungkook moved to ask the receptionist about the key card.

The receptionist was a petite blonde with heavy makeup that made her look hideous. She gave Jungkook a key card to the CEO's private lift. Jungkook moved as quickly as he could. He was eager to meet his baby mochi now.

He reached in front of the CEO's cabin and knocked on the door. To his surprise the door was opened from the other side instead without any noise and before he could react he was hugged tightly by none other than Park Jimin. He could feel himself melting into his best friend's arms and hugged him back.

"Yaah mochi I know you missed me b-but it's getting difficult to breathe now. You are squeezing the life out of me." Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin broke the hug and smacked Jungkook's arm lightly while saying, "That's what you get for being away from me for too long. Now c'mon let's sit down. I ordered you an Iced Americano as the host of this event."

"Event? Host? Are you hosting some reality show?" Jungkook ask bewildered.

To this Jimin smacked his arm again and said while laughing, "No dumbo! I just ordered it because you like it. Understand the emotions Kookie not the words."

"Thank you so much for this welcome gift Mr. Host." Jungkook said while trying to match his best friend's energy.

"By the way where is Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook asked while sipping on his drink.

"He said one of his childhood friends came to meet him today to sign some contract. I don't know. I think it was something related to this so, he went to the meeting. Now enough of these off topic conversations. Spill the tea kookie." Jimin asked while crossing his arms cutely.

Jungkook tried feigning ignorance and replied, "Tea? Why would I spill tea in hyung's office? Do you want him to scold me?"

Jimin couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Seriously kookie? I am worried about you. You haven't contacted me for so long after getting married! No one knows anything about your whereabouts and you didn't even register for the yearly photo exhibition! And you are still in the mood to joke about it?"

Jungkook felt bad for worrying his friend. It's true that he has been ignoring his professional life for the past few months but how could he focus when all his attention was diverted towards a certain raven head who couldn't care less about him. He didn't know how to reply now that Jimin had asked him the questions he didn't had an answer to.

Jimin noticed that Jungkook didn't say even a word in reply, his bubbly personality nowhere to be seen anymore. So he tried to divert the topic a little and asked, "Okay fine. At least tell me his name and why did you marry him suddenly and oh wait! How dare you not invite me to your wedding? Don't you dare say you forgot about me?"

That made Jungkook chuckle a little. "How could I forget my little mochi? It's just that marriage was so private that only Hobi hyung was present there with me and he was the one that broke the news of my marriage to me. It was a shock for me too! Really! But you know about the promise I made to him in college right? So I didn't protest against anything and did what I could to make him happy." Jungkook said while giving a little heartbroken but satisfied smile.

Jimin was dumfounded, "Does this mean? You knew fucking nothing about who you were marrying?"

"Yes Jiminie. And do you know who it was at the altar?" Jungkook asked a little dejected. "You know him."

"I? I know him? Like for real? Who is it kookie? Stop with all this suspense and tell me!" Jimin said, even more eager to know the name now.

"It's Kim Taehyung."

But before Jimin could register the name Jungkook told him, the door to the office opened revealing two fine men.

"Not again!" Jungkook said inaudibly, cursing his luck.

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