The bet

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(Song recommendation)

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(Song recommendation)


The moment the couple entered the cabin-cum-mansion, Jungkook rushed towards what turned out to be their bedroom. The cabin had a kitchen with floor to roof glass ceiling, a bedroom, bathroom and other rooms with various other things. When Taehyung entered the room Jungkook was gushing out at the view. Taehyung couldn't help but adore his big bunny while leaning on the doorframe.

"Hyungie?" Jungkook said when he saw Taehyung just leaning looking at something with heart eyes. "Do you like what you see? Isn't it so pretty"

"Yes it is. Prettier than I thought" Taehyung replied all the while his eyes were fixated on the younger. Jungkook giggled at this in triumph. The two of the them stood there basking in the silence and beauty of nature when suddenly Jungkook had a wild idea and half yelled to the elder, "Be prepared hyungie!"

Taehyung was confused at first but when he saw the younger leaping towards him, his out of the world reflexes came to the rescue. Jungkook giggled again when Taehyung catched him mid air. "Yaah! Be careful will you?" Taehyung asked worriedly. "But I knew you would catch me hungie."

"What if I hadn't?" Taehyung asked, this time curious about the younger's answer. "Then... then we would have had one of those accidental kisses" Jungkook answered after pretending to think for a while. "Aww... You want me to kiss youuu?? Little baby wants kisses hmm??" Taehyung cooed while playing along with the younger. His love for teasing this playful side of Jungkook was at its peak.

Jungkook nodded at an excruciatingly slow pace. "I do want something hungie but..."

"But?" Taehyung asked when jungkook stopped mid sentence. He wouldn't lie about how badly he wanted the younger to ask him for kisses. How could he not when Jungkook was literally wrapped around him like a koala. He loved this physical intimacy and the younger's juicy lips just inches away looked more tempting than anything. "But it's not kisses." Jungkook replied suddenly not giggling at all.

Taehyung's lips formed a dejected oh. "Then?" He asked.

"I want to go snowboarding." Jungkook said and took a pause before completing his words, "with you." Jungkook had a huge liking for snowboarding and doing it with Taehyung was completely on his wishlist.

Taehyung was shocked a little to say the least. He had not expected Jungkook to ask for such a thing just after their arrival. This was also a reminder of how less taehyung knew about the younger. He really was failing as a husband but it was as if god had given him a chance to redeem all his past mistakes.

"I don't know how to snowboard baby. I am afraid i'll break a knee or two if i even try it." Taehyung said chuckling a little.

"I will teach you how to snowboard like a pro. Pleasee hyungiee." Jungkook whined while trying to get the elder to agree. 'How is he supposed to loosen up when he won't agree to anything.' Jungkook cried internally.

"Okay." Jungkook was about to go into his puppy eyes mode with a pout when he heard the elder agreeing but got a little suspicious when Taehyung added a but in his answer.

"But you have to make me blush. If you do then i'll do everything you ask me to do... until midnight. I'll treat you like my master. How does that sound Hmm..?" Taehyung smirked. He could see the younger's eyes shining with mischief and excitement when he raised the bar for the bet. "Deal?"

Jungkook couldn't hold himself back from agreeing. He had no doubt on his skills. 'I can surely make him blush. That's so easy' Jungkook thought while giggling evilly inside and so he agreed, without an ounce of hesitation. "Deal!"

Taehyung on the other side had full confidence too. It wasn't easy to make him blush either. "Mhmm but do you know baby? as far as i know.. I don't really blush." He said while grinning.

Jungkook scoffed at this and replied "Don't lie hyungie, I've seen you blush before"

"Oh have you? Then go ahead, I am all yours. Try everything you wish to. Hmm?" Taehyung replied.

"Oh really? What if I do this?" Jungkook said and kissed Taehyung on his right cheek but when he looked at Taehyung he still had that stoic expression. "Nope" So Jungkook proceeded to kiss the other cheek but this time painfully slow. Shivers passed down the elder's body when he felt Jungkook's soft lips on his cheek for longer this time but his expression didn't even budge. "Nada"

But Jungkook wasn't one to lose hope. Next he hugged Taehyung tightly while nuzzling his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck. Taehyung's hurt melted but he couldn't lose his face. He has a vet to win. "Goose eggs" This was when Jungkook pulled back abruptly and in a flash his lips were pressed against Taehyung's juicy ones. Jungkook could tell Taehyung had frozen in place but his lips were softer than anything he had ever felt, like biting into cotton candy, so effortlessly sweet.

This time when Jungkook pulled back the elder couldn't even blink. His face and neck were as red as a tomato, wide eyes staring at Jungkook. "I won hungie. You look like a fresh tomato" Jungkook smirked. On the other hand Taehyung was still processing the kiss. Yes he had pecked Jungkook on the lips before but Jungkook was drunk beyond his wits that time. But this, this felt so much better. Now that he had gotten a taste of it, he sulked. For more.

"Waaah! You lost the bet.. Now chop chop, change as fast as you can and come to the living room without wasting any time." Jungkook exclaimed while climbing down from Taehyung's embrace. Before dashing out of the room,he turned back grabbing Taehyung's attention . "Just so you know, there are 8 hours before midnight hyung. Be ready." He said and dashed out of the door to make arrangements.

Taehyung sighed while rubbing his face,"Guess I got nothing else." He didn't mind placing this bet or even losing it. His fingertips though lingered for longer on his lips. He smiled like a fool while moving his ass to change into apt clothes for the snowy weather outside. He couldn't believe the extent to which his life has changed in the past twenty four years. He felt happy and a giddy feeling made its way to his heart, warming it up for the person he recognised as his husband.


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