The Great Holy Grail War:Demonic Showdown(Part 3)

594 19 19

Romania 2008

The Dark Forests of Trifas

Jeanne P.O.V

At first I was relieved, relieved to know my role was clear. This was a Grail War held between fourteen servants and fourteen Masters, so the presence of a Ruler to supervise was common sense. But now, doubts are forming in my mind. The Reds attacking me, the death of Siegfried, the giant flying fortress heading straight for the fortress of the Yggdmillennia. But the thing eating at me the most is this feeling. This unnerving feeling that keeps festering into my soul.

Back at the Church, there was something, no, someone that took control over me. I remember the dark silhouette talking to me. Was something those demons used to give me hallucinations? The rage, the hate...were they mine? No, that can't be. Something is happening to me, I don't know what it is but something feels wrong with me.

I emerged from the forest as I witnessed once again the gruesome sight of the battlefield. Such a sad sight, but inevitable. I listened to the Lord's laments and I too killed in his name. The blood that is on my hands cannot be washed away by neither water nor prayer. Even so, I don't regret anything. Even at the end of the road I held onto hope. Hope for humanity's future, his future.

Gazing at the gruesome battlefield my focus was quickly broken by a screech coming from the forest. A great amount of energy was emanating from there.

(Jeanne):I should investigate.

I knew it wasn't wise to change focus from my main goal, but I couldn't take any chances with the Servants of the Red faction.

I headed back into the forest hoping to come across a Servant of the Red faction, maybe they would have more answers regarding their leader. As I got closer the energy I felt initially felt greater than before. As soon as I arrived at the place it was filled with corpses of both homunculi and tooth warriors. Standing in the middle of them all was Sieg, his sword impaled deep into the tooth warrior's head.

(Sieg):Good riddance...

(Jeanne):What is Sieg doing here?

His hands were covered in blood, one of his eyes was abnormally gleaming a powerful light blue.


Sieg quickly met his gaze with mine. He looked at me ashamed only to quickly transform it into one of apathy.

(Sieg): Ruler...

(Jeanne):What happened here?

(Sieg): An ambush most likely, set by the Tooth warriors. No homunculi survived.

(Jeanne):Sieg, I'm sorry.

Sieg quickly shrugged it off as he looked down at his brethren.

(Sieg):Don't be...

Something was different about him, he was acting cold, indifferent or at least he tried to.

(Jeanne):Sieg, your hands...

Sieg clenched his bloody hands as he murmured hopelessly.

(Sieg):I tried to look for survivors, some were buried under others who had already died. Their wounds were too severe. There wasn't much I could do for them...other than...

(Jeanne):It's alright...I understand.

(Jeanne):What do you intend to do?

(Sieg):I will meet the homunculi on the battlefield, and try to make them stop fighting. Though I don't know if they will listen, it's worth the try at least.

The Sins I carry as a Demon for loving a Saint.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon