The Great Holy Grail War:Rescue the Berserker Part 2

960 32 19

Romania 2008

Castle Yggdmillennia

Jack P.O.V.

The atmosphere was horrific to say the least. Dozens of ghouls impaled at the front of the gates, guards patrolling everywhere, monsters made from clay and rock guarding what seemed to be the impenetrable walls of the castle. And a Servant, their Caster Avicebron, watching over them all. Probably put on guard duty since all the other Servants were away on the battlefield.

(Jack):Avicebron, also known Solomon ibn Gabirol. The eleventh century poet and philosopher, he doesn't have the glory of a knight such as Mordred nor the power of an Indian God such as Karna, still he's one who invented an entire thaumaturgical system. A Hero who left his mark on history through his intellect alone. But then again, what good is a great intellect if you don't have the head on your shoulders to hold it.

His position was pretty much exposed allowing us to take his head at any time but we couldn't afford to be reckless. Berserker of Red must be around here somewhere and Caster will lead us directly to him.

(Jack):Well then...time to get to work.

Jumping into the Mist we silently climbed the thick walls following Avicebron, reaching what seemed like a back garden guarded by homunculi. In the middle of the garden a mountain of a man stood chained. Jerking like an animal trying to break his chains letting out a roar of fury followed by a maniacal laugh.


(Jack): Is this Berserker of Red...?

Escorted by a guard of golems Avicebron approached the Berserker as he remarked.

(Avicebron):Berserker the time has come. I need of your power.

Berserker stopped moving as he looked down at Avicebron.

(Berserker of Red) want my power to oppress...

(Avicebron):That is where you're wrong Berserker, I need your power to stop the oppressors. The people who want to win this war by any means. I want you to destroy these invaders.

Berserker laughed in Avicebron's face while remarking on a sour tone.

(Berserker of Red):If only you meant half the words you said just now.

(Avicebron):That means you'll kill me if I release you.

(Berserker of Red):gladly*HAHAHA*

Avicebron let out a sigh of disappointment as he commanded the homunculi to use their magic to send currents of electricity straight into Berserker's body. The shocks were powerful, powerful enough they left burning marks on Berserker's body. Still the Berserker didn't yell, he didn't even screech all he did was laugh as his burned marks started to heal at an accelerated rate.

(Avicebron):Remember, the reason you are still existing is because of my power. Lancer still believes I can break you, but I don't think there is anything left to break. So I'm going to keep you alive and make you watch how the oppressors come and destroy everything in search of their selfish desire. And you can't lift a finger to help.

Avicebron got to Berserkers level and asked

(Avicebron):How would that make you feel....Spartacus?

(Jack):Spartacus?! The Thracian gladiator?

Silence fell on Berserker as a toothy smile formed on his face. His stare straight aimed at Avicebron who could only stare back at the monster in front of him.

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